BSgoinon's Blog
Does he buy in to her crap?
I always wonder. Does SS believe BM's shitty excuses? Or is he as smart as I hope he is and KNOWS that she is just a waste?
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Oh boy, the apple just doesn't fall far from the tree. In this case the apple hit every rotten nasty branch on the way down. But I seriously had no idea that BM learned her manipulative bullshit from her mother.
About a week ago, BM's mom started texting DH asking if she can see SS. We have no problem with this. Obviously, we arrange for SS to see her dad regularly. So why wouldn't we do that same for her mom? Well... the difference between her dad and her mom is; her dad has a f*cking BRAIN and USES IT.
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And the emails continue...
BM just can't get a frickin' clue. DH told her that he wouldn't respond to any more emails. He told her to stop asking to see SS on our days. She just won't stop. He told her Monday that he was done with the conversation.
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Just WOW.
Even though BM never sees SS anymore, she still has legal rights to 50/50 custody. So, typically when she decides she wants to play "mom" for a minute and see SS, we make sure it is on "her days" and we can't really say "no" if she requests on those days. We told her from the start of this that we would not be changing OUR schedules to accommodate her so don't ask to see him if it isn't her day, and don't wait until the last minute. If we don't hear from you, we will make plans and not change them for you.
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Not Happenin' BM.
BM hasn't called SS since 3/10. And that call was 2 minutes long to cancel her visitation because she didn't want to tell DH where she was taking SS. She hasn't text him since 3/14. She hasn't seen him since 3/20 and that was for 1 hour. DH and I have not heard a peep from her since then. It's been nice. }:) She has been posting crap about her dogs all over FB. She got an old friend of hers to pay to get one of her dogs out of the pound. She found her other dog (also at the pound, but was just taken there yesterday.
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BM and her Dogs...
On Friday BM posted that her dogs were going to a rescue. She thanked some girl for helping her... Cool, no reason to live in your car now.
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I need that laugh! HAHAHA Funniest sh*t that's happened all week.
Apparently, BM didn't read DH's response last night. She went to the school to pick SS up. There is no school today. I'm sure she is flipping out. SS is at a birthday party, probably not answering his phone, DH is in a meeting. She tried calling me, but I wasn't at my desk. I did call her back, she didn't answer. Oh well.
Shit's funny.
She is SUCH an idiot...
BM is completely out of the house she was evicted from.
DH got an email from her yesterday evening (all typos and ridiculous wording is hers):
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3:57 AM...
Two missed calls on DH's phone at 3:57 AM from BM. No message, and OF COURSE he didn't answer. But... REALLY?
Freakin tweaker.
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BM Pushing her limits, and failing.
So, BM is in the process of moving out of her house and in with a man that DH has known for 20+ years. This guys is currently sober, as far as we know. But, we don't associate with him so, who really knows. BM will be "renting a room" from him. Which I am not sure how that will work, since she has no income. But whatever. BAD NEWS, this house is less than a half a mile from us. She has NEVER lived this close to us. Ever. Good news is, it won't last long. If this guy truly is recovering, then he won't put up with her crap and won't risk HIS sobriety for her.
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