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BSgoinon's Blog

Her visits are getting shorter and shorter...

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BM decided she wanted to pick SS up twice this week. Monday and Tuesday are her "normal days" this week. Monday SS has baseball practice at 4, so he needed to be home to get ready for that. So she picked him up from school, spent an hour with him and brought him home. Yesterday she wanted to keep him until 8. She picked him up from school, then text me an hour later and asked if she could drop him off at my office at 4. Yup, of course. I leave work at 4, so I pulled out of my parking lot a minute or two after she did. I don't think she noticed this.

BM's Dad and Stepmom...

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This weekend was SS's first basketball game of the season (we won Wink ) BM's Dad and Stepmom pulled in the parking lot at the same time we did. I sent SS over to say hello to them and they walked in behind us. DH, the girls and I sat down in our normal spot, and they set their stuff down a little ways down from us. BM wasn't there, yet.

Harsh Reality. And Lessons Learned over the years...

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I've been far from perfect in my role as a SM. For the most part I have held my tongue around SS when it comes to my REAL thoughts and feelings about BM. I have had my moments of lashing out at BM. Once, right in front of SS. I was so disappointed in myself. After the words, very LOUDLY fell out of my mouth "WHY DON'T YOU TRY BEING A MOM FOR ONCE". SS's eyes as big as can be filled up with tears "stop FIGHTING". Sadly, that 5 year old kid (at the time) was FAR more mature than I was. I felt so small in that moment. So... stupid.

The dreaded "we need to talk"...

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BM says it about once a week. So far she hasn't actually followed through with it. She is picking SS up from school today. First time she has seen him since early last week. She text him once this weekend, I don't think she realizes that SS makes excuses not to talk to her when she makes her 1 phone call a week. "I'm in the car can't talk". He wasn't in the car. He was in his room, but himself at that exact time.

Weekly "I'm a good mom" email from BM...

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BM just emailed DH saying she wants to pick SS up from school tomorrow. That's fine. He has practice at 6, so she will have him for a whooping 4 hours.

Further in her email, she thanks DH for "being here for me/SS during this time that I hit a low in my life". ... Ummmmm.... we aren't here for YOU stupid, we are here for SS, always have been, always will be. Then she goes on to tell him that SS is "SO lucky" to have him as a dad and "I meant that from the bottom of my heart"...

Um, go take a flying leap BM, no one buys in to your bullshit.

Bye Felicia.

A week and 2 days...

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Since SS has seen or physically spoken to BM. She calls, maybe twice since then. SS sees it ringing, he doesn't answer. Happened both time she tried calling. Last night she called, he picked up his phone, saw it was her... and put his phone back down. 20 minutes later she text "I'm going to call you in a minute" he responded immediately "call later, I'm busy". We weren't busy. At all. He was sitting on the floor at our new house playing on his iPad, all by himself. She said "ok, love you" Love u too... "I miss you soooo much"... SS didn't respond. Yup, I think he is over it.

HA! That's a good one MIL! HAHA!

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I've posted here several times about my MIL. I will sum her up here for those of you that don't know about her. 11 years ago when I met her, she adored me. She was pretty normal, a little overbearing, but seemed to be a good and loving mom and grandma. DH and his siblings were always very mean to her, I didn't understand. By mean, I don't mean CRUEL... I mean, they just didn't go out of their way to spend time with her. Something I always do for my mom. I wasn't used to that. The only thing they would really say is "she's never been a good mom, just wait, she will fail again"...

SS has been calling me mom...

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We were sitting around the dinner table last week, SS went to tell me something and "Mom..." slipped out. He stopped what he was saying, laughed and then just kept on with his sentence. From that point on, he called me mom several times. It is intentional. He has had a nickname for me since he was 1, it's not anything like "MOM", it is more like a rendition of my first name, but no one would ever know that unless you knew SS when he was learning to talk. It's just how my name came out back then and it stuck. Doesn't sound ANYTHING like my name.
