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Counseling for dh

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DH wants to go to counseling. He feels me distancing myself more & more and wants to better himself to improve our marraige. Since he is not one to follow through I said whatever. He says Im not being supportive. Lol whatever.

My question is what kind of counselor should I encourage him to see. Is there counselors who specialize in blended/step families. I dont feel like all counselors would understand thw dynamics of step hell.

Some things better left unsaid

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I need to say this here so I dont say it at home. BM raises her pets like she raises her children...feral.

She has this crazy dog, German Shepard, one of my favorite breeds. Ive said before when she loses her house and goes back to an apartment I WILL NOT TAKE HER DOG. I took her feral children and turned then into something halfway acceptable. Nope to the dog.

Good thing for you have one?

Chmmy's picture

DH & skids were sorting laundry...funny we use the term skids because the undies had plenty of them. Anyway its getting warm and the laundry was a bit stinky. DH says have you been using deoderant? SS10 says do I have to? DH says unless you want to be picked on. My thought stopped by filter....more than you already do. Glad my filter worked. Not trying to be mean but the kid does get picked on from his lack of eyebrows to his red hair to his not so charming personality.  I hope he has friends when he gets older. Ugh he is just not a likable kid.

Good thing for you have one?

Chmmy's picture

DH & skids were sorting laundry...funny we use the term skids because the undies had plenty of them. Anyway its getting warm and the laundry was a bit stinky. DH says have you been using deoderant? SS10 says do I have to? DH says unless you want to be picked on. My thought stopped by filter....more than you already do. Glad my filter worked. Not trying to be mean but the kid does get picked on from his lack of eyebrows to his red hair to his not so charming personality.  I hope he has friends when he gets older. Ugh he is just not a likable kid.

Weird text from SD20

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Yesterday I got a Happy Mother's Day text from SD20 who Ive also referred to as favorite skid. She's probably my favorite because she's never home...also she is so damn funny. She's a sweet girl but very irresponsible, blames everyone for her problems and is always telling poor me stories to explain her shortcoming...ok after describing her in words almost sounds like I dont like her but I do wish her the best and wish she'd get her act together.

Skids or no skids for mother's day?

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I hope you are having a skidless mothers day weekend!!!

The skids are home again this weekend. This time for Saturday dentist appts, baseball and a family birthday on Saturday but BM will be picking up late Saturday night so I can have a skidless mother's day ...i mean she can have her kids on mom's day.

My oldest BS24 was able to come in for the weekend so we are at my parents' house. Ill probably stay here with BS so I wont see the skids til tomorrow night. I guess they "wanted" to get me a present OR...DH said you guys should get Chmmy a gift.

Is it Easter or Christmas?

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Just wondering cuz DH had to run out yesterday to buy gifts and gift cards for Easter. So Easter around here is like Christmas and Christmas is like MTVs Sweet 16.

Next week is my 1 year anniversary so I guess Ive been through a year of holidays with these people although I didnt fully move in until June, i had work responsibilities to finish up and my kids graduated college last May both moved out of state in Jun. They wanted to stay at our house, they never would have wanted to stay here for 2 months.


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Oh dear God this is SD16 in a few years. This is exactly how she acts only she doesnt treat her mother(BM) this way she treats her father (my DH) this way.

Skid karma

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I've been kinda busy but Im catching up on some STalker stories

I hope there is a special place in hell for some of these skids & BMs or I hope there is some sort of skid karma

Front end damage is a mystery

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The car that SD16 drives has a mysterious dent on the front. DH says "someone hit the green car, there is a dent on the front". Before I could even say hmmm sd16 drives that car, he says sd16 said she didnt do it.

Well then it must be true.... How much anyone want to bet SD was pulling out of a parking spot and hit someone else's car and took off without taking responsibility. Skids dont need to take responsibility cuz dadddeeees fix everything.

I dont know if I would have had the nerve to lie to my dad like that at 16 but my dad was not stupid and DH is. 
