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Cindy's Blog

Clothes issue with teenage skids particularly girls

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My SD and I have an on again off again relationship depending on whether she gets what she wants or not or whether BM fills her head with crap. I've always taken her shopping something BM does rarely because it seems to be a common interest for both of us. Over this past year I have bought her numerous clothes, some expensive, some not but all very fashionable trendy items which she loves to wear. The problem started when she decided that she'd wear all the stuff we buy her to her mom's and then replenish at our house when we next go shopping. This does not fly with me.

Another day another confrontation

Cindy's picture

So here's the latest clanger, SD has been fitted for a backbrace which she must wear at night whilst in bed, we have 50/50 custody so obviously backbrace must make it's way from BMs to our house and vice versa. Originally SD and BM came up with a plan where BM would drop it off and pick it up from our garage at her leisure on transition day. Our garage is keycode access and no, neither DH nor I were consulted.

They're back tomorrow

Cindy's picture

Hi Guys, as you may have noticed I replied to a lot of postings over the last few days but wrote none of my own because SK's were gone and it was bliss, no arguing, no discomfort in my own home, no dealing with biomom, no nothing, just normality, well tomorrow they're back for a week and I'm already tense, I really wish my husband did not have joint custody. I feel bad when I say that out loud but I'm really wondering whether I'll ever truly love these kids, when they're here I really make an effort but when they leave I couldn't care they never came back, in fact, I wish they wouldn't.

I meant to post this earlier

Cindy's picture

to see if anyone has any thoughts on it, maybe I'm overreacting or too sensitive, I don't know. Biomom never buys SK's clothes and I mean never, if she does they're forbidden from bringing them or wearing them to our house, they turn up in all kinds of crap, my SS turns up in jeans so short he looks like an orphan and she passes them off to him as "playpants". Anyway, I take a pride in having both of them dressed well, one to encourage them to take a pride in their appearance and two, because I think it's a reflection on me i.e.

School's out - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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Hey everyone - sorry I haven't updated in a few weeks - I've been getting some work done around my house and of course the kids are no longer in school and I feel like tearing my hair out. Is it just me or does anyone else feel the same? Since the sk's have gotten out of school I feel like I'm going slowly insane, I have no quiet down time, no tidy house, multiple piles of laundry, 2 kids with ADHD constantly harassing me to entertain them - ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.


Cindy's picture

Hey everyone, so today is day 3 of my stepkids 5 days at our house and I really feel today more than ever not 100% comfortable in my own home. I'm not on top form because my husband and I are still strained after the arguments from last week's issues so I'm just kinda letting him deal with the kids and I'm observing him and slowly realising that the kids are the way they are because of him - he basically lets them do whatever they want until he knows it's really getting to me and then he'll make a half ditched attempt at putting it right.

When a day off is never a day off

Cindy's picture

I don't know how the rest of you feel and I know a lot of your situations are different but I am starting to feel stifled by the daily stresses of our situation. My SD rides the bus home every day from school to the end of our street and biomom is supposed to pick her up at the bus stop on her days, well the last 3 weeks she's been late and of course SD then comes to our house. This has started to bug me because I really need those days off with no interruption in order to recharge my batteries.
