emptyrisksagain's Blog
Paul McCartney....6 Flags. (aka, why I will end up killing myself)
This blog is not intended for anyone extremely HAPPY with their own DH/BF and skids and home life. I am not that fortunate. And I'll be DAMNED if I end up having to defend myself here like I do IN MY OWN HOME. My tone will not be "full of unicorns and sparkles" in this or any post. So sorry to interrupt your idea of what I should say.
I wish I could ever blog during the day. But then "they'd" see. And I am not allowed that kind of freedom.
Is this his version of being on my side?!
On another night/day, I'll tell you of 6 flags and Paul McCartney...but that is not tonight. Sorry. In no mood for that insanity. (OY)
So...I'll tell of TONIGHT.
DH and I weren't really arguing, just in a disagreement about something (SD16's step g'ma sent her money for GRADUATION...um, she's at least a year away from that and of course I told SD to call her and say thank you but I am not graduating (don't want to steal from an elderly lady, ya know?).
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I SO do not mean to be rude/mean/out of line...hope I'm none of those things....
But I've been thinking ABOUT us tonight...OK, I admit it...I've been thinking of this for MANY nights (and days, and mornings, LOL) about WHY we do what we DO.
Here's my position:
1. I love my husband, even though we HAVE NOTHING in common when it comes to parenting.
2. I WANT to be with this man.
3. We have a lot of laughter together, we support one another, and we are still attracted to one another after all these years.
Other than those things, though? Hell, I wonder why I stay...why any of us choose to stay. Ya know?
StrongWoman75 running random searches on her ISP...and address..........
Is that.....WRONG?!
NO...it could be wrong!!!!!!! Just wanting to 'screw around'....LOL.
But this INVASION did get me thinking....there has to be a better way to access and vent on this site that belongs to US. You know...for a dollar or two? Let me kmow what you think?
OT...sorta...saw "Orphan" tonight...(SLIGHT SPOILER FOR STEP PARENTS)
OK. Before anyone here thinks of going to see this movie, I feel a responibility to WARN THE HECK OUT OF Y'ALL. Not because this film is so scary you'll have nightmares & not because it's so bloody you'll faint...
UH. I kinda wish it were for those reasons.
Let me just say THIS:
OK, I'm not dead. Thought I'd check in. :)
So here's how it's been:
No lie. Not kidding.
SD was supposed to go to uber-luxurious (and expensive) camp...FLIPPED OUT AND WOULDN'T GO THE DAY OF...and I mean REALLY flipped out. She couldn't..."wouldn't go"...she would "rather die"..."not leaving my dad"... "anything but THIS"...."YOU CAN'T MAKE ME"..."You want get rid of me because you think I'm bad " blah blah blah. She is 16 years old. Keep that in mind. Oy.
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PS!!!! (shooooort)
Thank G*d for sleep meds. No, I am not going to OD and this is not a warning. LOL.
I was just thinking, though, the inventors of Ambien HAVE SKIDS AND SPOUSES OF THOSE SKIDS WHO JUST DON'T GIVE A DAMN about anyone or anything that doesn't involve them.
Hahahaha. It's my birthday and I so don't care about being weird right now. LOL.
No worries; I'll be back to caring on Friday.
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Happy Birthday to me....Guess I'm getting divorced. (LOOOONG)
Do those words fit with the tune of the original happy b_day song? *shrug*
I'm just wondering....
I know this is a question that has to have been asked before on this forum, but I can't find it right off....so hey! I'll ask (again?).
Because I do not believe children are just born bad (OK, there are a FEW exceptions, *wink*)...I wonder what makes us..."the steps"..."bad people".
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Just a side note about my exH
I hate that I always seem to add something negative here. Thought I'd change that--at least once.
My ex husband is an ex for a reason, but is one of the dearest men alive. One of the best men I've ever known.
He is a wonderful dad. He has NEVER put anyone else before our kids (not even himself). And honestly, he would come down hard on our sons if he knew our boys were giving my DH as much shit as DH's daughter gives ME.
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