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fairyo's Blog

Two weeks in...

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It is two weeks exactly since I left and it could be two milion years- I seem to have left my old life so far behind it seems as if I may have dreamt it-but here's how this week has been:

Sunday- went to church with my daughter and grandson.The weather wasn't great but SIL cooked a good lunch and the kids enjoyed their indoor egg hunt. Apparently OSD posted on Facebook how wonderful it was to have chocolate for breakfast, how great her DH was for cooking lunch and that is was marvelous having daddy over for lunch too.

One week in...

fairyo's picture

Unbelievable- but it is exactly one week since I left The Ostrich. I have realised a lot of things this week but the main was is that I helped him put his plan in place. The only thing he didn't expect was that I would be the one to leave my precious home. He told me it was only bricks and mortar- I said yes it is and packed my bags. I have not been back. Here's a break-down of my week.

Day One- took up the offer from a friend to go to hers. How I am blessed by such friends-she fed me, gave me a comfy bed and lots of wine! We talked and talked.

A new me!

fairyo's picture

It has been six months- how little did I know that it would take so long to get myself back, and maybe I'm not quite there yet but the journey is a whole lot easier, so the destination is of less and less consequence.
When I came to this site I had become a person I didn't know: anxious, depressed, withdrawn, frustrated. I have had such a tough journey through my life and thought I had created a haven for myself here with DH, that after a lifetime of struggle and relationship problems I had arrived in a place where I found some peace with a lovely man who adored me.

One week later- progress?

fairyo's picture

After I started my new blog only a week ago there has been some progress. Namely, DH is back in 'our' bed after an absence of six months!
I couldn't quite believe what happened, but without going into unnecessary detail he made a remark to which I had to respond and let him know that the decision to go into the spare room was entirely his own and that the decision to come back was also entirely his own. The conversation ended with him saying that yes, he would share a bed with me again. I at no point let him fall into victim mode.

Seems a good place to start

fairyo's picture

This is my first blog since I moved to Fairyland. As I had a significant birthday yesterday it seems a good place to start over.
Although I disengaged from my skids way back in March I have come to realise that although there have been gains (not seeing them being the main one!) the disadvantages have been serious too- mainly my relationship with DH will never be what it was.
