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Gracefulsilver's Blog

I am out of the picture and still being harrassed

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OMG...Now I have to deal with his daughter trying to have me arrested.  I did nothing wrong except not kiss her ass.  Now that little B is trying to ruin my life and the life of my 2 kids because she hates me.  I disengaged, left her dad and still this.  Why won't she go away?

And her dad last night decided to verbally attack me and say everything his daughter is doing is my fault.  Why won't they go away?  I live way to close to get any peace it seems.  Only half a block away.  UGH

Karma..... LMAO

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Ok so I was here venting at the time about my BF's daughter.  I got away from that mess.  I have just found out that his daughter(16 in 2 months) has totally crossed all possible boundaries and he is sitting st home havign panic attacks becasuse she ran away instead of "allowing" her father to ground her.  This just goes to show that his failure to parent his daughter and BM's influence on his daughter is ruining his life and he is allowing it.  Well, here is the story:


I just recently discovered

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2 books I think should be brought to some people's attention.  The Complex PTSD workbook by Arielle Swartz and  Healing the Trauma of Domestic Violence by Edward Cubany.  I know I personally have these issues.  While I may have healed I am still not done healing.  The reason I do allow myself to be treated as less than I deserve is because I do not expect to be treated well by the average person.  We allow what we expect.  I'm slowly setting my standards higher in my expectations of how others treat me.  These books will hopefully help me heal even more.


OT - Back to Work!!

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MY doctor finally cleared my for full duty at work!!!  I will not longer be on light duty and will be able to continue my cognitive therapy on my regular days off.  It feels so good to walk without a walker/cane, more than I had imagined it would.  Now, onward amd upward.  It is getting better.

Ex-bf still playing games

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I got a call today. The poor excuse for a man I got engaged to then walked away from wants me to understand he needs to be there for his daughter and he promised to be home alone with her.  But that changes nothing,  he still loves me and wants to be with me as before. Told him off and told him the only person that can't see how much his daughter is manipulating him is him.  I'm pissed now and can't sleep.  Ugh, I should have known better.

Is this a begining of a change?

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I can only hope that the past week has been a begining of a change but I'm not getting my hopes up.  Ok, SD15 planned 5 days at her BM's.  Well, SD came home early unexpectedly and without notice.  My SO was surprised as well as myself and my kids (DD18 and DS15).  SD was acting kind and reserved.  She was social and did not demand ALL attention on her.  I was shocked and so was my SO.  The day SD left for BM's he sat her down and gave her a firm talkingto about who is in charge and who she is living with now.  I do not know what happened at BM house but I do like the difference I see. 


SD 15 can't be gone soon enough

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I am enganged to a mand with a daughter 15 and son 23.  I have a daughter 18 and a son 15.  Last night just took the cake for me.  My SO and I have been working hard toovercome the "blended family issues".  BM is toxic and SD is constantly helping BM to interfere in our lives.  Last night SD refuses to come to my home so she calls her dad to tell him how she made plans for then for Thanksgiving.  SD planned for her, her father, her best friend, and her best friends mom to spend Thanksgiving together without me and my children.  That just truly takes the cake with how SD is causing problems
