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invisiblestepmom's Blog

Keeping this a secret.

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I would totally love to post more and engage mroe in others posts/ forums but my time to do this in private is limitted. My DH would freak if I knew our dirty laundry was being aired like this. When really he should be happy because I found an outlet that will not make me bitchhis ear off, or bitch to his or my family making us look bad in his eyes. I have been friends wiht some of his sisters before I was my DH's wife so they used to be my soudning board but then he was embarrassed that I made him or his kids or our relationship look bad to his family.

Is it wrong for me to put my biological children first before my step children?

invisiblestepmom's picture

I was wondering is it wrong for me to put the needs of my biological children before the needs and wants of my step children. After all my children only have two parents and one house. My step children have four parents and two houses. My husbands life has also revolved around my step kids. He often puts them before our shouldn't somebody put our kids- my kids first? I quite often am made to feel like an evil step monster when I feel this way.

Tired of knowing my place in the world, or in my family.

invisiblestepmom's picture

I love my husband dearly but sometime I wonder if happiness is ever possible with his other children around. He has two children from a previous marriage. He has joint shared custody with nobody being the primary custodian. They are supposed to share equal responisbility. We have the kids just as much as she does and he still ahs to pay her child support when her household makes more money than ours.Then we have two children together. It is blatantly obvious that he will always hold a special place in his heart for his children from his previous marriage. It is like magical.
