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Ioods_mom's Blog

We are still decent people!

Ioods_mom's picture

I posted in august about the background,but it's on the gen board. Anyway two obs have been living with their dad for the school year. He has a lot of back cs many years worth. Which was an issue which we worked out. So there was a mistake made by the irs and bd called me as he said "i saw the balence drove to a parking spot and called you". We worked out what we would do so he was protected,i won't get into details. But it was a relief that it wasn't a big deal for each of us to do what was right.

FEels like i have a stalker!

Ioods_mom's picture

I saw a mutal friend today who ask me how things where going with my 2obs dads gf. To which i said i didn't know he had one.(we have a good co-parenting relaltionship that is only about the kids ) she replied i thought you guys met when she came to your house! What! So come to find out she has been in the car for pick ups and drop offs at my house my job and different friends and family members over the holidays. I have no idea who this woman is. the fact that she knows so much,before i know her name takes me back! Makes me uneasy to tell the truth!

Can anyone relate?

Ioods_mom's picture

Is their any one who is still apart of the stepfamily they grew up in? I came to this site thru a sibling that is a step-parent. We have been members of the same blended family for about 16 years. A matter came up recently, where they saw one side and i saw the other. (we share the same bio parents and the same step parents) an i asked if their exp shaped their views, they said no. this is what took place call from a step parent saying they would not be doing thanksgiving they have other plans.


Ioods_mom's picture

i can't even begin to keep up with my other blog, let me say & gf have been together for 6 months.we took the 1 step in aug yes the sec day of kg we had a meeting with teachers and it progressed to shadowing(where one parent comes an spends the day at school with child)1 all day then half day then lunch then pickup time! This has been an on going span of meetings. Not one time did gf express any concern or request to be included. My vent is about the way she did it!


Ioods_mom's picture

How dare you third party,turn a meeting about our sons wellbeing into us vs you should not have been there! If your presence wasn't from the heart you will regret this powerplay! You have caused the only tension in a great co-parenting system(re back child support). Money that much a concern for you huh! you demanded to be in this meeting.well now you have all the infomation. when we have to shadow him at school where are you goingto be? How many times a month are you going to take him to therapy? Bd thinks you just want to be there to help, isn't that great! I will wait and see!

This is odd!

Ioods_mom's picture

I posted a comment on another blog. I disagreed with the op,there were others that posted disgreement as well but i was the first.i see new comments and take a look op deleted all other comments that disagreed except mine! then posted a response. I'm not here for a battle. Why would she do that. I thought about sending a pm, to say if you don't want different opinions please delete mine as well but, then i kinda got upset as to the reason why. Maybe i'm just reading to much into it.