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JanRebecca's Blog

It's 'that' weekend again..

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Time to 'SS8 proof' the house before he comes over. All breakables need to go away, all BS's  toys that he does not want broken go in his room and computers etc go on lock down. It's kind of sad that my four year old knows to put away any toys that he really does not want broken before his brother comes over. 

Questions from BS..

JanRebecca's picture

This morning BS4 and I are cuddling in bed for a bit before getting up - he woke up way too early and should have gone back to sleep but he was wide awake and in a question asking mood. He told me he loves me so much and that he loves everyone in the world even 'SS8'.  Then he asked me if I love SS8 too? I lied through my teeth and said 'oh yes, I love SS too because he's your brother.  He then asked me if SS has a daddy at his other place? I said yes he has  (name) who he calls Daddy.  BS says 'why does he have two Daddys?

Father's Day -

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So Father's Day came and went - no phone call from SS8. DH kept checking his phone for a text or cal - NADA. If you remember last year AFTER Father's Day BM yelled at DH about him not calling SS8 on Fathers Day - DH told BM that SS should be calling him not DH calling SS  -  didn't happen. I wonder if DH will hear about it again from BM. Ah well - another day in step-life.

OMG The Drama

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Before I even start - i'm not looking for advice, just venting because I feel like I"m about to blow a gasket..


DH gets a text tonight saying BM wants him to call, she has an urgent question for him. I told him he can wait til after dinner and then text her since we were just starting to eat. Two seconds later the phone rings and my DH (against my advice) answered. 


BM Demands Proof

JanRebecca's picture

This was DH weekend to have SS8 - BS4 woke up at midnight on Thursday night throwing up - high fever etc. I told DH to text BM and let her know that he is sick. We always give her a heads up - she still sends SS8, and I'm not saying she shouldn't send him. But I like her to know so she can't say we didn't tell her before hand if SS8 gets sick from him. 

Friday DH took off work to stay home with BS, by the time I got home from work at 430pm he was still not drinking, or eating, and fever of 104.3 - I called the doc and they said to take him to Urgent Care. 

Am I Wrong?

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So the newest thing BM  has decided they should all do as a family is to get photo's together - Her - my Dh and SS8 on every holiday and SS birthdays. WTH? I'm sorry - really? they are not a family anymore -I see NO reason for this to happen. Am I wrong to feel this way? Her reasoning is that 'ss needs to see them as a family' BUT THEY ARE NOT A FAMILY ANYMORE. She has her family with SS, her new man and their son, and DH has his family with SS and SS needs to accept this and aparently BM needs to too. 

DH Anxiety

JanRebecca's picture

Anyone else here have a DH with anxiety issues?

A few months ago, after a SS weekend, DH missed a week of work due to a severe anxiety attack, with the meds they put him on he was not allowed to do his job - it happened again the next SS weeekend - missed another week of work, this last month it did not happen, and I thought we were in the clear and then wham - we had SS this last weekend and all week he's been getting worse - last night we ended up in the ER.