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jmh302's Blog

1 year later..

jmh302's picture

Soo its been a busy year. After discovering ex so drinking problem and all the police and cps involvement..he did get sober. For 9 months.

I allowed him back home. Then as soon as probation was done..he started drinking again. I figured it out about 2 weeks ago and sent him packing. I cannot do the relapse thing. I thought i could but i really cannot.

We finally had child support court and i will be getting 613 a month for support.

Struggling not to punch him in head.

jmh302's picture

My kids father has court tomorrow for his daughter. Its custody court so i am sure right after he will get hit with the cs hearing.

He has always been very idk to me uncaring about getting anything on paper with bm about custody. I have been arguing the need for years. After each change of events, sd living with us fulltime then back to bms, its always well ill wait until i see what happens.

I knoe i know..i shouldnt care more then him. But what happens in there WILL effect me.

Ot- a man died yesterday

jmh302's picture

So.. i started a new job. My 3rd day on the job, i hear a page yelling 911 everyone to the floor. Went out there and a man was face first on the ground blood was everywhere. I thought he just passed out.

A customer was attending to him and i asked if there was any thing i could do, i got dowb close to his face and it seemed like he was breathing because blood was popping out of his mouth.

My worst nightmare

jmh302's picture

Tonight i came home to find that my two 19 minth old twins were left alone.

I got off work and came home by 834. My so their father had apparently left them here alone . They were left in the dark, with no food or drink, doors to the house unlocked.

When i found him, the cops already had him. He was super wasted. I had to go make a statement. He is being charged i am told with 2 counts of child endangerment.

I am so sick right now. The officer told me i must go file for emergency custody and a pfa in the morning.

Bf got served..

jmh302's picture

So we have been waiting since bm said she filed. And today it happened.

Bm alleges that sd has lived with bm in her current place since last august (thats when bm moved and left her with bf, except for her weekend visits)

The reason for her wanting to change: sd7 has expressed that she wants to live primarily with the mother for school..permenantly.
