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Jsmom's Blog

Things are settled outside of court...

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Well at 4:15 last night, the lawyers started calling...Apparently neither side was prepared for court. DH was after spending the whole weekend on it. Our lawyer and her lawyer asked him if they could continue to Oct so that they didn't look unprepared for the judge. Unbelievable...DH went off and said no, he was ready and that was their problem. They needed to fix it or settle it now. THat meant he wanted SS13 at our house immediately. He would forgo CS and custody of SD15. He would also continue to cover SD15 on his health insurance, but no longer pay any of the bills.

Letter to Judge...need input!

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My DH goes to court tomorrow to fight for custody of SS13 and now SD15. Long story...I am not going, because DH is afraid I may go off on the lies being said about the time that SD and I were in the same house. I really have no interest in going, because I just don't want to be there for this mess. Well we know that the DH of BM will be there. Since his last text to my DH threatening him, I am sure he won't miss it.

Open House tonight...

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Well it looks like my disengaging has to stop for awhile with SS13. It served it's purpose and gave me back my sanity after SD15 started being such a problem. But, now with the CO modification still in play for SS13, I need to step up a little however, it will be on my terms. I am going tonight to the Open House. I haven't gone since our kids were in the same school and even then it was for my son. But, BM and her DH will be there I am sure. DH wants me there since she does this bringing the SDad as a United Front.

Letter to court went out today...BM is going to be mad as hell....

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"The Parties daughter, SD15 has begun to exhibit behavior that is not acceptable nor safe for a child her age, during the periods of time that she should be in the care, custody or control of her primary custodial parent, the plaintiff herein (BM), with Plaintiff denying that the childs inappropriate behavior exists or that any action should be taken to curtail such behavior...The primary custodial parent has refused to communicate in good faith with the defnandat, regarding their daughter's recent misbehavior and continues only to deny and therefore there has been a material change in circ

Email to SIL from BM....cont...

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Below is an excerpt from a 4 page email to my SIL from the BM after our lawyer called her and told her we would be going for custody of both kids. Long story short...SD15 sued us to live with BM in April 2010. She left. Here is her version of what took place and led her to let SD do this. If you believe everything she has written I make Joan Crawford look like MOTY. Everything here is exagerated and taken out of context. I can't attach the whole email, because it is too long and disupting it all would take the entire day.

Emails to BM...Need input.

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I am thinking of sending an email to BM. Keep in mind in 6 years we have spoken three times, one letter and two emails. That is it. I do not wish to communicate with her. But, she recently sent a very, very long email to my SIL defaming me horribly. If you believe everything she said I make Joan Crawford look like Mother of the Year. I am tired of everyone from the lawyers and DH to now the BM's DH having a comment about this mess. Below is what I wrote edited to remove the names. Please give me input. For those that want to bash, not in the mood and I will delete your comments.

SS sick and guess who he calls???

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Well got the call from SS13 that he doesn't feel well. Told him I would be right there. Ha Ha....DH had to put me back on the form at school last week because BM removed me at the open house...These kids, since I have been in there life, have called me when they are in the nurses office. Not DH and Not BM. Me...I work from home and can get to them right away. Yet she wants me off the emergency list at school. Really, how did that work for you?

Update and long email....

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I just wanted to give an update of this horrible saga of us suing for full custody now of both kids. If you have been following along, you remember that SIL and BIL irritated me over a trip to CA and NM for SD15. Well now, apparently, SD15 told the SIL about Drinking at 14, beating mailboxes with a bat and other stuff. Thought it was funny. Fast forward and SIL tells DH and that is what made him decide to pursue SD15 along with SS13. I knew there had to be something else. Well, fast forward and an email is sent to SIL from BM.

So conflicted about this new development...

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DH saw the lawyer and has added SD15 to the modification. I have no idea of the terminology on this. SS13 wants to be here, SD15 doesn't and since they never finished the last case with SD15 suing us to live with BM, it is now being all added together. DH feels since he is about to spend all this money for SS to live with us, he might as well add SD. Since she is so out of control it would be better for her here. BM and SD will freak out when this comes out on Thursday. DH and the lawyers agree that it may force her to let SS go. SD15 hates us and will want no part of living here.
