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What would you do - drug addicted SS21 just texted me

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SS21 just sent me a text message asking me how I am doing. I am shaking. In addition to being a drug addict - SS21 just got out of rehab (again) and living in sober living facility in another state. He also is bi-polar. I feel bad but he just tells lies. I cant deal with him.

I am afraid he is reaching out to me because he wants something.

But I feel as if I dont respond he will do something and it will be my fault.

Do I just ignore him?

I really cannot deal with him - I am have SO much anger.

Getting Restraining Order for BM Asking for $ for Adult Stepchild

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Does anyone know if you can get a restraining order against BM? She keeps askding for $ for SS21 - who is bi-polar and a herion addict. We paid plenty so far for rehab and sober living but he continues to relaspe so DH said enough (she has not paid a penny). DH only agreed to pay for health insurance and he cell phone. BM now wants us to pay for another sober living place.

She does not go away. We are not paying any more.

Can you get a restraining order to make her stop?

Need Advise - Do you Get Upset if DH withholds information because it will upset you?

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The past year was a difficult year since we found out SS21 is a heroin addict and can only stay clean for about 6 weeks before he relapses. I pretty much disengaged from him in Nov when I knew he was using again. Took DH a bit longer to realize SS 21 was using again (I am pretty sure he starts as soon as he gets out of rehab). Coupled with the fact he is bi-polar it is not a good situation.

UGG the Fight Over the Dog

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We have been watching my mom's dog - she is old and pees all over the place, but her days on numbered. My mom broke her hip so I agreed to take her. What I cannot believe is the way the DH responds. So I let him have it this morning about the 10 years of crap I have been dealing with compared to a 6 lb little white dog. Lets compare - 1 dog vs DH's crap

Crazy BM and Drug Addict SS21 - Have a Question - Need some Advice

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So drug addict SS21 just entered his 6th program in as many months (never finishes) to deal with his heroin addiction and bi polar issues. Good he is 3000 miles away I hope he never comes back. So crazy enabling BM calls yesterday and wanted my DH to pay his $800 fine when he got arrested in November - DH hearing about this for the first time - for posssion of drug paraphernalia. DH says no way he is paying SS21 needs to pay since it is his problem. (GOOD ANSWER DH).

DH Finally got BackBone with Drug Addict SS 20

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SS 20 is a herion addict and also has bi polar disorder. Been is a variety of rehab (in and out patient) and therapy sessions for a while now. DH really believed that after his last inpatient program he was going to straighten his act out. I knew SS was using again - just told DH that I thought something was up and I was done. Do not want to see SS again. I am done. DH can do want he wants but I will not be in the same room as SS.

Need Advise Please - SS20

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Ok, major issues with SS 20 - found out this summer he was a herion addict he has been through rehab and other mental health programs since back in October he was diagnosed as being bi-bolar. I used to have a close relationship with SS20 until I realized he was using me for money to buy drugs. I do love him but ever time he is around me my husband and I get into a huge fight. I dont trust SS20 as far as I could throw him and may never trust him again.

Tonight SD Rehearsal Dinner - Totally Do Not Want to Go

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I should be excited for my SD25 and I really like her husband to be but BM has been pulling some shit with SS20. I not looking forward to wedding either.

I just really hope for the sake of her daughter she will not start anything with me or DH. But she is totally crazy. Good thing her BF will be there so I am hoping she will not start anything then he will see what a wack job she is.

Does it Ever End? How do you stop the Anger and Resentment

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I was hoping that dealing with BM would go away but she is still here - my SS 20 is bi polar and now DH still has to deal with her - she is a nightmare. Lies, manipulates - I want to leave I hate her so much. But I would let my hatred of her overcome the love of DH?

When does it end - can he cut off communicating with her? BM only calls when she wants something - money or for my DH to do something. Same with SS 20 for that matter - only calls when he wants something. Claims my DH abandoned him - what a joke.

I feel so guilty but dont know what to do

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Hi - I had to to tell my husband today that my SS cannot come into our house not even to visit. He is a recovering addict and recently diagnosed as bi-polar and currently in a full time program for that issue. My DH says that I dont want him to have a relationship with his son which is not true. Until this past summer I thought I had a close relationship with my SS (I have no kids of my own) but then we discovered he was a herion addict. I just feel like he used me for money for many years (I make twice what his father does). He manipulated and used me.
