LemonGrassLove's Blog
Mostly just complaining
This blog is about my mother-in-law. Most of the time I really like her, we get along great, and everything is kosher between us. Until the boys get brought into it.
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Finally the karma bus hit her
Moby had court today, originally in exchange for her pleading guilty the prosecutors would only give her 200 hours of community service. Thankfully, the judge didn't agree with them. Instead she got 60 days in jail, 290 hours of community service, probation for 12 months, and she has to pay at least $3k. She only got about $300 from this illegal act. SO and I are celebrating tonight!
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Bed Time Antics
I have just been kicked out of my own bedroom because of a screaming three year old... And it does not make me happy.
If your kid was screaming and throwing a fit about going to bed would you then take them into your bedroom where your significant other is and lay down with them in your bed?
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No More F*cks Can Be Given This Day
Unfortunately for Moby, that means my mean side comes out. I try very hard to keep my karma clean but sometimes, like today, I just have no more bullshit tolerance left for B*tch Face.
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Sperm Donor *Ranting and raving with strong language*
I am so pissed off by this! I have access to Moby's facebook, usually she posts crap like 'Oh, i love my kids.' And 'I'm such a great mom.' And just general stupid shit like that. Today, she posted 'well my bubba is off to his sperm doners house till tomarro now time to relaxe wit my babygirl cant wait to c daddy tomarro make my heat achs'. :jawdrop: My SO's a sperm doNOR, bitch? A sperm donor fights for custody of his kid? A sperm donor hires the best god damn lawyer in the fucking city to get custody of his kid from your fucked up life?
Second wife...
Do you ever feel like your SO or your SO's family judges you by what his previous BM or wife has done?
If I have a lazy day at home, SO gets this look. This judgmental look and it pisses me off. Does anyone else have this kind of thing happen?
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Some language, mostly feeling apathetic though.
I am currently hiding in my room while my BS is sleeping. I've been sick with the flu for almost a week and my SO has been a total jackass the entire time. Now that I'm finally getting over it SS comes to stay for the weekend. For whatever reason every time SS comes to visit SO has to buy something for him, almost always food. This doesn't seem like a big deal but we have a very tight budget and his going to Quiznos or Safeway every few days to give his kid something he wants doesn't help it much. I've mentioned to him that we can't afford it and I just get my head bitten off.
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Temp. Parenting Plan
Our attorney met with Moby on Monday and shockingly they actually worked out a parenting plan on Monday. We fully expected her to drag it out for as long as possible. So the new parenting plan is 4-6 on SO's days off, and Saturday 9 am to Sunday 5 pm. This is twice as many hours as the previous arrangement allowed up.
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That's a little weird...
I realize judging Moby by normal standards is like beating my head against a brick wall but this is just a little strange even for her. Moby's sister got married recently and I just saw a bunch of the wedding photos... Moby isn't in any of them. Including the bridal party photos (Which was just a weird photo all the way around).
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I bet our attorney hates us...
So, SO had court with Moby today. I didn't go since it'd be just like last time where we'd sit there forever and not say anything on top of having to miss work for absolutely nothing. SO called me a little while ago and said that Moby has to meet with our lawyer on Monday to work out a parenting plan that works best for everyone. Apparently the judge was super vague and just said 'what works best for everyone'. If they can't come to an agreement, which Moby probably won't agree to anything our lawyer suggests, then it'll go back to court to be decided by a judge.
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