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Merrigan's Blog

Trying to listen to you all.

Merrigan's picture

I found my breaking point a few weeks ago with my bf and his kids. It’s semi okay now, but I’ve pulled back from spending as much  time at his place, and he’s doing his detective thing to figure out why. We had a discussion about it, but it’s been hard for him to digest.

His family all approached me at a big get-together to ask me how I deal with his kids, his ex, and their parenting, and to please stay with him.  It was overwhelming. I told him that and said I needed some time to think.  I’ve only seen him twice since then, by my choice.   

No sleepover

Merrigan's picture

The teen sleepover is going to happen on Friday. My bf will be there for it, and I’ll be staying at my place. I’m going over for Saturday night while he goes to work overnight. My SD is being told to be on her best behaviour for me. The second there’s any sass, I’m calling him, and he’ll have to come home. 

I still don’t want to do it, and I can still say no. I could also bring a bottle of wine and my iPad and see how well that goes over. (SD thinks my iPad is hers and hates alcohol). 
