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misscinna's Blog

4 years later and she's trying to get in fdh's pants lol

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FDH tells me before his trip that he recieved a text from princess that said

"So are you in love with Cinna?"

He said he spent a few minutes contemplating many many respinses including "very much so, i am very happy" then decided to send her nothing and delete the text. I agree with his decision, she has no right to know anything about him/us/me at all. He says if she continues to bring this up he will address it.

FDH provides insight! I am impressed

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FDH gave me insight TWICE in one week as to some things we are seeing out of skids. I couldn't believe it. He is very intelligent but typically he is more concerned about getting chips and dip into his favorite bowl than discussing child psychology. He leaves that to me, then listens while he is busy crunching his chips haha.

First revelation:

4 days and it feels the same

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So FDH has been gone for 4 days now for his training course out of state. He has been sending me texts about how much he misses me, loves me, etc. I have to say I am really disappointed. I really thought this would put me in a position to miss him but I really haven't. I'm not sure what to think. It just doesn't feel any different to me than usual. Its odd. The only time that is a bit different is bedtime since there isn't another body to fill in his spot but so far the dog has done her best.

So what happens if FDH dies?

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Here's a little thought that has been mulling about my mind. FDH and I have talked about it too and I'm interested to see what others think. In the event of an untimely death for FDH he would like the kids to stay in my care. He is in the process of amending his paperwork with his lawyer to give me more rights simply due to the fact that I am with the kids nearly all the time. For those who don't know already, FDH has sole custody of skids with no parental or visitation rights for BM other than what he feels like giving her.

Without a hitch

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So she brought them back. FDH made sure the situation was handled ahead of time. I took him to the airport. She was 15 mins late (whatever i wont mince 15 mins) Ironically he had already landed prior to them coming home. We video chatted tonight. He already wants to come home lol! I guess I should feel proud that I've made an inviting enough home for him to want to be here so much haha. I am however looking forward to a nice change of pace and some meeee time. Even with them here, they gotta go to school some time right!?

BM hasn't thrown a fit yet...Concerned..

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FDH is leaving for training in another state today. Skids are supposed to come home from visitation a few hours after his flight leaves. I am assuming BM knows that he will be gone for a week (some skid will have told her I'm sure) and that the kids will be staying here with me. (school, routine, yada yada) I would love for them to spend the week at BM's with me able to go out and about and have the house allll to myself and the dachshunds but alas. No.

Quick but funny.

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Since BM won't give me any courtesy - fuck her. Not very mature of me but...fuck her. I asked FDH today what time the Golden Uterus (thanks to newbiemommy for that one) was coming to pick up her Vagina Trophies. *Looks smug* did I mention? Fuck her. I refuse to call her by her name anymore. Names are for actual people who behave with dignity and respect or at least civility. Since I can get none of those she shall henceforth be referred to as: The Golden Uterus (all caps), Princess, and Her Royal Highness Queen of Child Rearing and Make Believe Land! Also, Oreos.
