momjeans's Blog
O/T: I really want to punch my inlaws in the throat
MIL and FIL and their habitual boundary stepping.
When you tell someone to not feed your children [insert food stuff here] - EVER - then they go out of their way to feed your children [insert food stuff here]. Like, my FIL got in his car, bought said food and brought it back and fed it to our children. My house is stocked with food. I had just fed our kids before they arrived.
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O/T - Vent: not looking forward to next Sunday
Of course, it's all up in the air, because I'm always the last to know or to be asked, but yeah... Father's Day.
June 18th is also our youngest toddler's 2nd birthday. So, there's that too.
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Summer visitation countdown...
and the usual MIL kissassery has begun. Like clockwork she starts trying to play Miss Nicety Nice to get me into the mommy role for skid. Yeah, not happening lady.
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OT - high cholesterol and diet adjustment
... and I want to die.
This whole no cheese, butter, processed meat, refined carbohydrates, sugar thing is going to be the death of me, but I'm going to give it a go. Also upping my exercise with this recent unseasonably warm weather lately.
I will have my blood work done again when I go in for my yearly in April. Hoping to avoid the medication route, but, it wouldn't be the end of the world I'm guessing.
Do any of you have any experience with this? Care to share your experience?
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It has come to our attention that BM claimed skid on her taxes this season. It's not her turn. Her and DH alternate every other year per the court order and this is his year to claim. BM claimed skid last year as well, but it was her turn.
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The delusion. It burns.
DH: So, today's my dad's birthday and I was thinking we should take him (and MIL) out to lunch today.
Me: Oh yeah? That sounds nice. How about you do that. And why don't you take the kids? Or not, of course, it's totally up to you. Maybe just you and your parents meet-up?
DH: Well, I was kind of thinking we'd do this as a family. That we'd all go out to lunch.
Me: Hmm. Yeah. No, I'll pass. But, how about you go?!
DH: But, why? I don't understand.
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Disengagement + in law woes/drama
Backstory: I've been disengaged forever, but mostly since moving away from BM and Skid in early 2014. Because of my disengagement, my MIL has been a peach (aka: mean girl) and I'm just over it. So over it.
I've told her point blank that I'm done. Done with BM. With Skid (I refuse to be a nanny with a high-conflict ex looming overhead) and done with her (MIL) passive aggressive BS as well a delusional, pill-popping FIL.
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Guilty Parent Syndrome / Disney Dad
There's no denying any longer that this is my DH. He doesn't see it as such.
The chat logs, their texts. If you didn't know any different, they read like two people in the midst of an affair. It's gross. He doesn't see this either. Dozens of texts a day, most of them while she's at day camp, that I pay for, but whatever...
I just don't know how to approach it. I don't know how to break it down to him that his Disney dad behavior is taking a toll on our marriage.
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SK acts like a village idiot
... and I can't deal. I'm disengaged, but her behavior is annoying as hell.
She's 10. She's the most flighty, no-bounderary-having, overly chatty, rude child ever. If she's not twirling around someone's house or in a restaurant (that is... if she's not bouncing up and down in her seat at the table), she's making senseless conversation about something or someone none of us know OR talking about her mom. MIL informed SK she needed to brush her hair more often, put it up in a bun or ponytail and that quickly turned into how her mom, BM, won't let her get her hair cut.
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Summer visitation just got interesting
My husband called me from work to inform me that FIL was arrested this morning for driving under the influence and endangering a minor. Apparently, he fell asleep at the wheel in route to taking SK to bible camp. He hit a tree in someone's yard at low speed, I'm told. Both of them are physically fine, thankfully.
I can only assume the under the influence charge is his RX use. I consider it abuse, but wtf do I know.
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