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morethanibargainedfor's Blog

We are all losing it...

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This is going to be the weekend from hell.
I spend an hour on the phone with SD13 last night listening to her melt down and scream and cry and bawl her eyes out because she doesn't want to come to our house this weekend. The reason? She wants to see her "boyfriend" and she knows her dad wont let her go out with him alone. This kid was in full on meltdown mode. BM said she finally fell asleep at midnight and woke up freaking out again this morning.

Feeling crappy about the weekend

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Our weekend with SD13 started out not too bad. She went to a dance on Friday night and SO took me out for a way too expensive romantic dinner. We really needed it after all the stuff that's been going on in the past few weeks. He's still away for work during the week, but is closer this time so he comes home Wednesdays. We got into a huge fight last week and he pretty much said we were breaking up. We talked and worked through things (for once) and now all is good.

BM has "Shut us out"

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Since the incident a couple weeks ago with BM showing up at our house to get SD and making a scene, we haven't heard from her.
It's very strange. The last thing she said was "SD isn't coming here anymore, just so you know"
And since then, silence. We haven't received a single text or call from her about anything. SO has talked to SD a few times and normally BM will get on the phone and bitch at him about something, but she hasn't.

Today is the day!

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Well I have the phone interview with the counseling agency for SD13 today at noon. My sister in law who works there tells me they will ask me a million questions about SD and her behavior and issues. Then based on the answers they will decide what kind of program she needs to be in, and then we will all go in for a meeting to discuss.

It never ends with this kid...

morethanibargainedfor's picture

SO is 5 hours away for work this week again. Its been like 6 weeks now and its really starting to get to me.
To add to it, we've had SD13 for the past 3 weekends which means yep, we haven't had 2 minutes of alone time in about a month. Plus she's coming this weekend. Why? Because BM is on vacation with her new boyfriend.
