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Mtbqueen's Blog


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He has been in the most rotten mood all week. He got in fights with our neighbors and his parents this week. He is so negative and nasty I can't stand to be around him lately. He does nothing to help around the house. After work he sits on the couch and talks shit about everything. He was criticizing the show he was watching and I'm just like then don't watch it. It's that simple. 

Things I realize

Mtbqueen's picture

Wow. So, I only found this site yesterday. I did a lot of reading the last few days and did even more soul searching. Skids are not really that bad of kids I mean they aren't mine I think they are immature messy and they fight a lot.  But it's not their fault they have 2 crappy parents and I hate to say it because he really does try. I think he feels guilty and overcompensates with gifts and trips to the movies and anything thing else they want. And he doesn't make them help around the house or even just pick up after themselves bc he wants them to like coming here.

So I'm here

Mtbqueen's picture

I'm so over everything. I feel like there is no love in this house. I'm tired of his kids and how they act over here they make huge messes and never have to clean it up. The youngest is extremely babied both of the boys still sleep with their mom 10 and almost 14. The daughter is so dramatic and is always starting fights with her brothers but they are always the ones that get in trouble he never says anything to her she once even started a fight and her brother pushed her resulting in her arm being  broken, that we are still paying for.