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nkbrown's Blog

DH and BM starting to realize there is a problem

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SD-17 pregnant on purpose and her parents are just now realizing there might be a problem -- only because I told them I am done and outta there.

I know they realize that neither one can control their own daughter. I set limits/rules and I expect them to be followed. Period. DH has fought me all the time. So I had enough. Now it's up to them.

She was failing when we got married. SD was not going to graduate and she is a senior - and she didn't care. Now she has As/Bs. I have to stay on her all the time - but she knows she has to do the work.

I think I am done with pregnant SD and DH

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Tried to talk to SD-17 and DH again about the future. I realize both of them have their heads in the sand.

SD's baby due in less than 6 months. She is making no plans for the future. She graduates high school in May - only because I stay on her case about school. She doesn't want to start college in the summer - because "well gosh it's like my time in the summer." Promises to get a job, but has been promising for over a year. DH does nothing but yell at her to find one.

BF wants to give up rights to SDs baby

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Talked to the SD-17's ex BF today. He says he never wanted the baby. She lied to him saying she was on birth control and got pregnant on purpose. He wants out.

He says he will sign over his rights to the baby. ASAP.

He also says he wants nothing to do with SD. She follows him. Shows up at his house. Calls and texts him all the time. She gives him money to make him happy.

Sd - pregnant and DH - is ostrich

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Last night was to be date night. It started as usual. SD-17 (pregnant 3 months) wanting to go. She didn't physically, but believe me she was there. It is to the point that all conversations turn to her. DH complains about it, but he says something about *insert subject here* and what he things SD should do. Thus it causes a conversation.

My step-kid is pregnant

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Tonight was date night and like most evenings the conversation turns to my SD-17 and her situation. She got pregnant on purpose to get an ex-boyfriend. It back fired and he ran like the wind. Now here she is with out a clue and not wanting to grow up and take responsibility. The DH and I were talking about setting rules and consequences for her -- in effort to get her to help around the house and possibly get a job.

Pregnant Step-kid

nkbrown's picture

My DH and I were planning our wedding when - surprise- my soon to be SD-17 announced she is pregnant. On purpose. In a blink of an eye, my life and my relationship changed. My two sons are in college and SD lives with us.

SD decided to get pregnant to "trap" a boy. She convinced herself that this particular young man would fall in love with her if she presented him with a child. What she didn't calculate in is the fact that at 19 he was no way ready to settle down in adulthood. Much less take care of a child.
