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nunya1983's Blog

Wow, so update to SD and blood glucose levels

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I went and bought a glucose meter and texted everyone in our house as a "game".

It was neat to see how people's blood sugar reacted to their lunch.

So yes, it seems that SD is diabetic, dh made an appointment for her to go see a doctor. Hopefully this all plays out well! Thank you guys for your advice!

I want to know if you think this is cause for concern before I ask dh about it.

nunya1983's picture

I know we have a lot of very smart people on this board. I have a concern and would like you guys to weigh in on it to see if my suspicions are right.

SD is obese (per the doctors she has seen). Dh hasn't gotten a chippy of her labs yet, he's requested them but hasn't received them yet. If I we're him I'd go down and pick them up, but I'm not him so... well its up to him.

With SD being obese there is an increased chance of her having health issues, such as diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, sleep apnea (which invites a whole list of other health concerns) etc.

Talking about food reminds my of a conversation about food with dh

nunya1983's picture

OK I'm going to make a list and I'd like you to tell me if you'd consider it a veggie or a starch. I'm going to list random "veggies", tell me if you consider them veggies, and if you'd accept them to be the only veggie for a meal.


Green beans


Sweet potatoes



Baked beans

I'm super tempted to throw it away

nunya1983's picture

SD left her tablet out again. Dh threatened (empty that's as usual), that he'd throw it away if she left it out. We'll I know that as usual, dh will try to tell my kids to go place her tablet on her bed when he gets home and sees it there on the couch... and my kids won't see anything wrong with it... but I do! Just to keep the peace they will do it... I hate them cleaning up after SD every single time she is over... when they do laundry, they put her laundry on her bed, when she leaves toys out, they place it on her bed. When she leave shoes out they place it on her bed.

Dh's best friend just moved in with his girl friend.... and her 3 teenaged kids.

nunya1983's picture

So dh's best friend, who has always tried to give dh step life advice, just moved in with his girl friend. He literally just moved in 2 days ago.

He thought things were going to go smooth. Guess who called my husband YESTERDAY complaining about being overwhelmed? That's right Mr he thinks he knows about step parenting and parenting... he is always telling dh how to do things with SD regarding BM (as in be her best friend, that's what is best for SD. Give in to BM's wishes, it's best to keep BM happy.

BM trying to make dh look like a bad guy to SD?

nunya1983's picture

BM and dh were never together when SD was born. So she never knew a time when BM and dh were together.

In the past BM would call and have dh talk to (discipline) SD over the phone when SD was at BM's house. I stopped this, dh didn't realize that this was making SD see dh as the scary parent, the parent that no matter where she is dh is going to be the mean parent that yells at her when ever she slips up, even if she is at her mother's house. Whereas BM gets out of disciplining her child what so ever.

Another laughable moment made by dh.

nunya1983's picture

The other night when SD actually did dishes (took her over an hour), dh went on about how SD did a pretty good job (never has he said this about dds work on the dishes). He continued on about how she even washed the pots and pans, even though this is what they are instructed to do. The funny (laughable) part is that he's washing then as we speak... how did SD do them if he's literally scraping rice out of the pan? After the dishwasher ran I ended up picking food and rice out of forks and scraping peanut butter off of some butter knives.
