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onebright1's Blog

Apparently I misunderstand Sgirls.

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I was told by SO, while we were wrapping $1000.00+ worth of gifts this morning,(his holiday week started today at 5pm) That I just misunderstand Sgirls actions and words towards me :? Yes, thats what he said. When he asked me if I would open the restaurant for him today because he had a funeral appearance to make. I said I would rather not because thats where SGirls were coming to start thier parenting time at 5 and I didnt think it was a good idea to force them and me there together without him there.

weeeee another text

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"the girls told me that (Onebright) said they cant go in THEIR bedroom because (Onbright) said it is (BDsname) bedroom, you do realize (SOsname) that CPS states 2 heartbeats per bedroom and you now have 5 in one room?"

Did I say that? partially yes.
Does she have herself and 7 , yes 7! kids in a 3 br apt? yes!

I have been praying for 2 weeks now to have this hateful feeling I have for BM and Skids lifted from me, but she and they just make it sooooo difficult for even God to answer that one positively.

Stepdoormats PissSock post caused this blog .

onebright1's picture

I and BD8 and BS and his girlfriend and my grandbaby got in at midnite from a trip to see My oldestBD in Fla. I dropped BS and GF and Baby off at their home and went home exausted from driving 935 miles. BD 8 went straight to bed. My (SO's) home was disgusting when I came in. His kids had only been there since 3 pm yet it looked like a war zone in that short time. And the stench when I came in was something else! I of course wanted to go straight to bed but SO had to solve a mystery. Apparently STwin9 brought him a pack of cigarettes and said she found them in a drawer in her room.

ok, I feel like Im in the twilight zone

onebright1's picture

2 weekends in a row now, All 5 Skids have been decent! Like answering me when I speak to them and not ignoring me and actually being cool. I mean SO has done some bonehead things regarding me and them but they have actually been NORMAL kids!! I mean, still argue with one another, leave messes, normal stuff. But I can say "hey guys, not cool, knock it off" and they dont text BM and BM isnt blowing up SO's phone with text Smile Is this a breakthru? Calm before the storm?

Did I hear what I think I heard?

onebright1's picture

This morning, We (SO me SD13 and Stwins9) have to rush out to get stwins to fball game to cheer at and 13 to a girl scout leaders house for drop off. I follow in my car to fball game while all the rest are in his car, plan is to drop off 9s at game, leave me with them and then he takes 13 to her drop off place. I stand at the game for the next hour and a half while SO runs 13 to FILs house cuz she needs something she forgot there(i'd have said tuff shit) and then to her scout place, and he makes it back just as the game ends. He Parks and walks in and stands back with 2 men yakking.

only 45 min with 3 of the skids

onebright1's picture

SO picks stwins9 and Sbitch13 up from school today like every Friday for his long weekend with them. I pick my BD8 up at same school same time. He calls me to see if we are going to be at home because stwins wanna play with BD before they have to leave to go to Gmas for the evening (I wont watch them due to lies, fits, disrespect, CPS and much much more). So I say yes and ask if his parents are picking them up when he leaves at 4 for work. He says yes. It is now 4:52 and FIL JUST NOW GOT HERE! That is another blog all to itself.
During the 45 min they were here :

BM back to work day

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Just keeping records. BM texted SO last week that she was going back to work from maternity leave today. He picks up skids from school but 1 (sbitch12) is missing. Turns out I was right (imagine that) , according to Stwins9, BM let SD12 stay home from school today. I told SO months ago that when she went back to work the Older SGIRLS would suddenly become sick alot, due to BM needing a sitter for her new illegitimate twins.

latest text from Nutburger

onebright1's picture

On Sunday we of course had SGirls. Do every Fri-Mon Sad And my BD8 had a basketball game at 11:00 a.m. I got her ready and took her. SGirls and SO were still in bed. At halftime SO shows up with STwins (almost 9) and Sk14. The other 2 were still home in bed SK17 and SK12.

sidenote(On THurs BM text SO to inform him that SKs cousins birthday party is Sunday at the park at noon.)

SO and the Sgirls left the ball game when it ended at 12:06

i think i just got put in my place

onebright1's picture

Sorry for the typos and bad punctuation. I am on my phone because at 1030 I am in my jammies. Bd is asleep in her bed and all 5 sgirls come bounding in the front door yelling about DVDs and whatever else. See SO is at work. Doesn't get off til 11 which means home at midnite. Sgirls are at mils like usual (see other post cps n crap) I guess So Thot I was trapped and he sent sgirls home with osd17. What the hell part of I'm not watching your kids is so f Ing hard to get???? So I call SO and am like wtf? He says osd needs to get to sleep and wanted to come on home.

CPS and MIL and Nutburger

onebright1's picture

Nutburger is back to texting after a 2 day reprieve. Apparently now she is ticked and it is "bullshite" that MIL told one of the SKIDS that the reason they cannot stay here with me without dad around is because CPS was called again and we were drug tested and embarrased and lied about (leaving BD7) home on Sat nites. MIL told SD14 that Onebright is not going to take the chance of having BD removed from her care, or have to fight her EX for custody because of these lies so she(me) isnt willing to spend time alone with you all.
