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onebright1's Blog

How I got SO to "get it"

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Another blog reminded me of how I approached SO about what you all call disengaging. About a year or so ago I was let go from my job of 10 years. I was diligently looking for work at the time and had just made plans to move in with SO, and as we were riding in the car discussing his 5 daughters and the great job their mom did/does at PASing them, I said

I need to learn to keep my big mouth shut!

onebright1's picture

I was looking up court cases here in our state to try and help SO. I am trying to convince him to let the teenage SGirls stay with their mother AT LEAST 1 weekend a month. Not the soon to be 9yoStwins. Just the teenagers. We have them Fri-Mon EVERY week. THey cry and throw fits and lock themselves in bathrooms and tell him they hate him and "just stop fighting mom for custody". This goes on for HOURS. Every weekend. Mom has custody. They dont want to be here on his parenting time. I say then dont make them.

Text from BM to SO

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I dont know how long it will take me to get these down or if I will give up eventually, but starting with the text we started taking photos of in June of this year I am going to try and get them on here. We are keeping the photos on a jump drive also.
Before now he hand wrote them all down in notebooks (which one of the sd's stole and gave to BM). Then finally my brain kicked in and we started the photos, 3 years too late but here they are, bad grammar and all. I will put my comments in () Oh and he never never replies, hasnt in over a year. No contact at all.

kinda hurt my feelers a bit....

onebright1's picture

Bd6 had a softball game last nite, her BF doesnt do his normal Wednesday deal, he usually comes to get her on every other Thursday on his off weekends to get her for dinner. So last nite he(and his live in GF)(whom he did leave me for but Im not a psycho BM, I got over it and moved on too) came to Bd6 ball game and then took her to dinner after. I left when he got there.
Went home, took a nap, enjoyed some quiet time.

Wacjobs newest entry on her fake facebook page

onebright1's picture

Now a days children seem to take the qualities good an bad from their influences ie parents... It amazes me that a persons child can get away with threatening to hurt my children, and then tripping my child on purpose making her fall into a mud puddle and leaving her with my oldest to clean her up, real responsible,
3 hours ago via Mobile Web

UPDATE on skid in psych hosp.

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Skid is on 6 dif meds, one is for diabetes,(her blood sugar was 140,( which I thot was in the normal range but what do I know) one is for anxiety, and BF doesnt know the rest but is supposed to get with doc today as she wasnt available over the weekend.
Skid now says she wanted to be there,
Duh, She would rather be there than home with her mom.
BF visited on all his times this weekend,
BM was late everytime.

Blogging to get it down before I lose my thoughts.

onebright1's picture

Over the weekend, Saturday to be exact, BF went to pick up skids at thier respective schools like he is supposed to every Friday. Only 3 of 4 were at one school and the other oldest skid was not even at her school.
Then he gets text asking him when and where he is picking the other 2 up. Because BM had gotten them/...... Well he cant answer because she has him blocked from texting and calling her, and the 3 oldest who have phones.
So, he just leaves it alone and documents the events in his trusty notebook.

I refuse to negotiate with a terrorist.

onebright1's picture

I was told through a text to my BF to "have your whore remove the pics of my daughters from her facebook page or I will file stalking charges"

Um NO!!!
My facebook is set to friends only and friends of friends, I only have 30 total and speak to each one of them on a weekly basis,
She is not listed as a friend on any of their pages, so she has a Fake page set up and is getting to my page that way.

That is fraudulent, and Let her try and file charges against ME, I think it will come back and bite HER in the ass............
