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poisonivy's Blog

DH wants me to Babysit...on MY VACATION!!!!!!!!!!

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So, I saved up almost 2 weeks of vacay time at work so that I could take it easy around the holidays....chill, shop, visit.

DH calls me at work and says "Oh yeah, I was thinking, since you're off anyway, we don't need to send the kids to daycare when they come down."

BIG mistake, DH. "I have plans, I will not change them, I did not sacrifice all year just to babysit the skids for 2 weeks. You and baby mama better figurte this one out, Bud. Oh, I know. Call MIL...she'll be happy to save the day!"

What kind f mother doesn't want her kid on Christmas??????

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Looking objectively at my own situation and those of some of my fellow STalkers, how is it that even during Christmas, the martyr BM's want nothing more than to pawn off the little angels and enjoy a kid-free holiday? What kind of mother does not want her own child around during the Holidays? Really?

DingBat is shipping skids down and is requesting that they not return until after New Years'....yes, requesting.


Out of the Mouths of Babes

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SD6 told bios that she's gay! I am sooooooooooooo over the drama with these people. It's like chaos is their norm. So, of course I had to jump in and initiate damage control for my Bios' sake. Oh, the drama...this is the same SD who introduced the term "humping" to my kids. DH and I are going to have a heart-to-heart about perhaps getting his kidsinto some type of therapy or counseling. There is some bad parenting going on there.

No babies here.....

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I posted this partially as a response to another poster's blog but I think it bears repeating....

A year ago, or so, I badly wanted to have a baby with DH. I have since come to know that both his children have behavioral, psychlogical and physical "abnormalities." And, I cannot be 100% certain that these things didn't stem from DH's gene pool. I'm pretty sure that most of it comes from BM, as several of her family members are certifiable (no really) and she, herself, is schizophrenic. However, pretty sure is just not the kind of odds I need to gamble on a life....

Thanksgiving w/ Skids cut short

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BM just informed DH that she will be getting the kids on Fridai instead of Sunday because SS10 has a school project to complete that he says he forgot about. He can't complete it at our house because it involves local research. This is a total bummer for Dh because he has only seen the skids for the past twoo weekends and was looking forward to spending the extended holiday with them.

So tired of MIL......

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It seems like every three or four months or so, we are having to remind MIL that she is the mother and not the wife. I have no idea what make s her think that she can make decisions that impact my household without my consent, but it ain't happening.


poisonivy's picture

I work 6 days a week, for the most part. It burns me up to come home on Saturday evening, to find SS10 and SD6 laid out in the middle of the living room floor, cheeze puffs adorning the carpet, plastic bags (their trailer trash mom's idea of luggage) thrown in the corner for all to behold and the stink of their self-importance filling my home...

I hate the sound of their whining and crying. I would rather be at work...

Winning the Lottery...

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So, what if you win the lottery, how would you keep BM from dragging you and DH through the mud and taking everything you won?

Either DH and I would divorce and I would claim the winnings, or we would give my mom the ticket and let her claim the winnings. At least that way we could distribute it as we see fit!
