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poisonivy's Blog

Does anyone have any experience with Tourette Syndrome?

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I have been trying to tell DH for years that SS9 needs to be tested for neurological disorders, especially Tourette Syndrome. He finally admitted that he sees something, too (after years of "oh, he's just different, Oh, he's a genius denial). He actually asked for my help in getting him to a neurologist and helping to figure out what's going on.

Hi, I'm PoisonIvy

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I've been an SM for a little over 4 years, now. Things are not as bad as they were in the beginning but they could certainly stand to! I have 3 Bio's and 2 SKIDS, SS-10, and SD-5. BM is a horrible person and a horrible mother, unfortunately. DH is guilty, guilty, guilty and therefore makes bad decisions, at times, regarding SKIDS. DH and I both have a good relationship with my EX and his fiance, they even drove an hour and a half to lend their support when my Dad passed last year. It meant a lot.

I won't pay for SKIDS DayCare

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Well, The SKIDS have arrived for their summer vacation and instead of being holed up at our house for two months....they are staying with MIL. Reason: I won't pay for day care. Here's my logic- during their 2.5 month visit, DH is still responsible for CS to BM. We have 3 Children already in household. Luckily we have no daycare expenses for those 3. During the work-week, BIO's are with my mom due to DH and I both working out of town (more than 200 miles), so we stay over several nights a week.

MIL & BM up in arms because I told them that my marriage is my 1st priority

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So, MIL calls DH and asks him why I told BM that my marriage is my first priority...DH hands me the phone. I asked MIL why she felt the need to be involved in a discussion between the parents anyway and what she thought the correct order of things should be. Her response was that those kids are having a really hard time dealing with things and they should be a the top of everybody's list of priorities right now.

Just because I don't fall prostrate upon the ground...

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in worship and awe, does not mean that I don't love SKIDS. No, they won't be getting any red carpet arrival or marching band welcomes around our house when they show up for visitation, but they are treated with respect, they are well-taken care of and they get a lot of much needed attention that is lacking in the home of their, no, I don't want them around all the time. I don't cry when they leave, I don't buy them useless junk that that they don't need and I will definitely discipline them when they need it....hmmmmm....

Don't tell the SKIDS we went on vacation without them?????!!!!!

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Okay, so DH had the nerve to pout because the SKIDS found out that we went on a vacation without them...DH, Bios, and I. He said that when SS10 found out, he cried.......AAAANNNNNNNDDDDD???? I informed him that fun and vacation are not limited to visitations and that I don't see BM calling and scheduling vacations that involve my kids! I am sooooooooooooo over his guilt-parenting!
