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queenofthedamned's Blog

prime example of why it's hard to like skid1

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He has his likable moments, for sure. But damn that kid displays some seriously narcissistic traits.

Background: He got a new phone yesterday. His 5th cell phone in 18 months. MIL paid $100 for it despite the fact that his plan was due for an upgrade and he could have gotten the previous model for free.

Not step related, but domestic violence: WWYD?

queenofthedamned's picture

DH works with many douchebags, but one dude is the King Douche.

Apparently King Douche told all of the guys at work that he pushed his live in girlfriend down the stairs in an argument the other night.

Apparently this is not the first time he's gotten physical with her and "bragged" about it. He's hit her, thrown her across the room (she's a tiny little thing), etc.

I guess she's no shrinking violet and has hit him back a time or two.

I feel uncomfortable having this knowledge and not doing anything with it, but I have no idea what I should/could do.

MOTY, anyone?

queenofthedamned's picture

Found out Twuntzilla "lost" skid1's ADHD meds. On FRIDAY! And was too drunk all weekend to cart herself to the pharmacy a mile from her house to refill them. Somehow, she managed to keep the beer flowing. This explains the meltdown skid had on the phone with DH the other day - he was acting like the maniac he was before he started treatment.

It is possible that she did lose them; with her slovenly "housekeeping" skills they could be anywhere in the cesspool she calls a home.

It is equally possible that she sold them, or took them herself. Her depravity knows no bounds.

I probably shouldn't complain about this

queenofthedamned's picture

But given that it's a skid weekend and my give a fuck reserve is low, I will.

DH has been really improving in terms of parenting the skids. This house is no longer a frat house for teens and preteens with kids dropping in and ignoring rules whenever they feel like it.


(There's always a but, isn't there?)

DH has passed his BHT (Basic Husband Training)!

queenofthedamned's picture

And I have all of you wonderful STalkers to thank! Lord knows, if it wasn't for this site I'd be an unhappy mess sitting in a corner chugging some Southern Comfort. And crying. And probably vomiting on myself while muttering curses at the skids and their dad lol!

I read here every day, even if I don't post a lot, and SO MUCH of what you all share - good and bad - has shaped my role in this household and my BHT plan.

Sort of O/T: Having babies later in life - have you done it?

queenofthedamned's picture

Ok ladies. I need some input here.

I am 36. DH had a vasectomy after skid2 was born, around 10 years ago. I want a child of my own, but obviously at this point it would require the intervention of doctors/science (such a romantic way to conceive a child, right?)

I tried for years to have a child with my ex and had multiple miscarriages. Found out too late and after many many NORMAL tests and much heartbreak (thanks to my douchebag of an ex refusing to get tested himself for a long time) that I was NOT the problem. So now we're looking at starting to try to conceive.

Protecting skids from their mom's idiocy

queenofthedamned's picture

My DH - big tough tattooed man that he is - can be a real softy with his boys.

Thank goodness he has seen the light when it comes to disciplining the skids and having expectations of them around the home (you know, other than play video games all day and demand that money be spent on them). We would not be married if he didn't.
