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sam's Blog

I am ready for prozac.

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Well its been another weekend of hell.My ss asked if he can go to his moms so i said yes as long as you take the bus home on sunday and made it very clear to him and he was fine with it.So i took him out and bought him some new shoes for school and then took him to bus and he got on just fine with no problem.Well sunday came around and guess who didnt get off the bus as we sat there and waited.So we get home and guess who calls.SS said he missed the bus and wanted us to pick him up.Dad said no.I also gave him 40.00 to get a haircut and bus fair there and back.But he came back with no haircu

Do us stepmothers/fathers

sam's picture

have a right to hang up on the ex wife or husband if they call and are disrespectful? My ss lives with us and when bm calls she will say put ss on the phone not can i speak to ss please.Would you let her talk to him or tell her to phone back with some respect and i will give him the phone?Or when your in bed at like 10:00 and she phones would you run the phone down to ss or tell her to phone at an earlier time?

We got a phonecall

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last night at about 800 and i thought it was a telemarketer but lucky i never hung up because it was the store that my sd just got caught shoplifting in!!!!She gave them our phonenumber first before her bm.So the store asked if we can come and pick her up it was winter storming out and an hour away so dh said no.So we had to give bm number to the store and they called back and said that bm would be coming to get her.I guess shes not so perfect afterall!!!

Has anybody wondered about

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If their skids are really your dh?The thought has crossed my mind a few times about my ss.I would think about it but the thought would just go away but it keeps popping up in my head.Only because ss looks nothing like my dh and i mean like his height,feet size and no features like his dad at all.Would you ask your dh if ss was his?Or leave it alone.I know his ex cheated on him a few times in the latter part of the relationship but maybe when ss was conceived to i am not sure.

Sd hasn't called to visit

sam's picture

It has been 3 weekends already since sd came over.We made our minds up that sd and ss who lives with us he is 16 and sd is 14 almost 15 have to get on a bus to go back and forth from our house to bm house it saves us from driving 4 hours on the weekends of the visits.For them to get on a bus it is a 1/2 hour bus ride straight to our house and then back.Bm has never helped with transportation in 5 years in the beginning she met half way but it always ended in a big fight.So now that the kids are a little older we thought that they can hop on a bus.First let me tell you that they go to Toront

What would you do?

sam's picture

This is something that has been bothering me for awhile now.Let me start out by saying that bm has nothing to do with transportation and has never came to our house because i wont allow her here she is always verbal and has been physical with me which i must add she is lucky she walked away from that one.Anyways we took them back to their moms house on boxing day and ss wanted to bring his dog and bm said that was ok so skids told me.Never heard from them until new years eve bm gets sd to call and come and get the dog which is a 2 hour drive there and back.She wouldnt drive sd on christmas

Share some naughty thoughts

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We all seem to have the perfect way of explaining things and the perfect words so i thought it would be fun to let our naughty side come out like what would you do to ex wife if you got the chance.I would put her on a roller coaster with alot of loops and run it til she puked.Ok maybe longer.Be creative and somewhat nice i guess.Nothing to evil.

Does anybody know

sam's picture

We live in canada and i was just wondering if anybody knows that if my dh ex decided she wants spousel support they have been divorced for 3 years can she get it?When we were going to court she never waived her right to it.Also when he retires she gets some of his pension for the amount of time they were married does this sound familiar to anyone?She has a good job and is very unpredictible witch so if she happened to lose it or get laid off can she go after dh?
