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My thought on guilt parenting

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My husband has done this and denies it when i call him on it.He is definately getting better at it but still neeeds a push sometimes.It is not good for the skids or your own bio kids.My bio son used to ask me why he got in troble for things that they didnt and i always told my husband that everyone is equal and must remain that way.I have never parented my son out of guilt.I have always taught him morals and values and he has turned out to be the most passionate child i know.He tells me everday that he loves me lots and how lucky he is to have a mother like me.He opens up to me and tells me

Are we out of line for suggesting this?

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Let me start by saying that for 5 years we have been driving for 2 hours almost eow to pick and drop off sk.The bio mother will not help at all which is fine with me because every time we see her she starts something she is impossible.But my sk are now 14 and 16 years old so we suggested that they can take a bus that picks them up right around the corner from their mothers house and we would pick them up at the stop in our town it would be a straight bus ride no stops in between.We even offered to pay bus fare there and back and it would still save us alot of money and 4 hours time there an

I feel out of place

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Tomorrow my husband and i are supposed to pick up my mil to bring her to a birthday party of one of her friends which i dont mind i love her and she is great towards me.We are also supposed to pick up sd which we will be driving probably a total of 6 hours tomorrow another weekend ruined i have just been so busy and feel worn out.My issue is when we pick up sd everytime we are around family they are always going on about how pretty she is.and how much she is grown.I resent it because my husband has had a reverse vasectomy that didny work and we have been through ivf,icsi fertility treatment

i am tired

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My ss is 16 years old and has no desire to go for his license that will take him a full year to get it before he can drive on his own.We dont want to be driving him to his visitation still when he turns 18.When does the driving skids back and forth for their visits end?We have been doing it all along and was wondering what age you stop doing this?

The Drama Continues

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If you read my last posts you know the horror.Well i took some of your advice i had my ringer on my phone shut off yesterday so i turn it back on in the afternoon i was expecting a call from my parents they were going to come over for coffee.The minuete ladies i put that ringer on it rang.She now has her family members phoning here.My husband wasnt here at the time so the guy that phoned wouldnt tell me his reason for calling so i knew what it was about so i hung up and the phone rang again and again etc...probably about 10 times.So i called my mom and told her that i had to shut my ringer

I was almost arrested

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So this is my sags from yesterday.My ss and i went to go pick up sd from her mothers.After i sat in traffic forever to get there.So i pull up she lives in a townhouse complex i did not pull in her driveway or even touched her curb with my tire.i just pulled in front on the narrow road in front of her dump.Anyways ss gets out to go in and get her so i sat in front for like half hour waiting for them by this time my blood was starting to boil.Lo and Behold guess who comes out with a paper and pen walks to the back of my truck and starts to write down license plate number which she already had

when its convenient for them

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I was supposed to pick up sd today but she has plans to go shopping with her grandmother.So she wants to know if i can pick her up tomorrow.After trying to get a hold of her for 2 days to tell her i am picking her up today.I dont have the time next week to drive her back home which takes 1.5 hours.So now her visit will be cut short.It always has to be convenient for them never taking into consideration i may have things to do.

I told him i was starting to resent our family

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Well i sat down and spoke to my husband last night because i was just getting overwhelmed with the feelings i have towards our family.If you read my past posts those are the things i laid on the table and told him that he has no respect for me just as much as the kids.He lets them get away with everything they do to me and expects for me to speak up.As his wife he should't allow for these things to go on.So i told him last night that i have resentment building up towards our family.He did not say anything i even asked him if there was something he wanted to say and he said no.Its almost as
