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SeeYouNever's Blog

Spread the love(germs)

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Thanksgiving was great it was just DH, our toddler and me. We briefly talked to the In-laws on Thanksgiving day who had gathered all together for their own party (10+ people). Our Thanksgiving was stress free and we agreed that not seeing them was definitely the right choice. Also a perfectly cooked prime rib for two didn't hurt either. A smaller gathering means fancier food!

Anyone else never have skids for holidays?

SeeYouNever's picture

Does anyone else never get stepkids for holidays? 

Thanksgiving is next week and BM is refusing to agree to any custody time. It's the same song and dance every year she starts off ignoring DH then moves on to making excuses, they negotiate and she adds impossible or inconvenient terms and then my DH relents and decides not to bother.

Cell phones ruin kids

SeeYouNever's picture

I didn't like SD12 much before she got a phone but the phone has made her so much worse. Has anyone else noticed a major change when kids get a phone? Maybe some of this is preteen behavior but I've found it seems to revolve around her phone.

She claims her phone is always dead or BM always takes it away but I know that isn't true by just watching her use it. It's clear she spends a lot of time unsupervised watching videos, playing games, and doing social media. 

Step related but not personally

SeeYouNever's picture

My husband and I had a friend who recently went through a divorce. The main reason of their divorce was because his wife wanted kids and he didn't. He had always made it pretty clear and this is one of those classic examples of you need to talk about this stuff before you get married and you need to go into a marriage not expecting somebody to change their mind about important issues like this.

Congratulations you're not getting any for a month

SeeYouNever's picture

Last night I was feeling amorous. DH was on FB, he checks it about once a month. 

He asked "Are you ashamed of me? You don't have any pictures of me on your Facebook"

"What! You don't have any pictures of ME!" 

He then proceeds to show me the pictures of me on his Facebook. They are all pictures I've put up and tagged him in. I tell him I put those up! He doesn't post any pictures of me or our daughter. any pictures he has of either of us on his Facebook are because I tagged him.

SD's predictable mysterious health crisis

SeeYouNever's picture

Yesterday we had a health scare with our 1-year-old DD, my husband was quite upset because he was the one that had to take her to get blood drawn and it takes five people to get a tube of blood out of a baby. We are awaiting test results for something that might be quite serious. 

It's not like BM or SD12 knew about this but it just so happened that SD had her own health "crisis" which managed to completely overshadow DD. It's always like this no matter what is going on with our lives it all grinds to a halt if anything is going on with SD.

SD got more gifts for my DD Birthday

SeeYouNever's picture

We successfully got the rest of my in laws to stay away this weekend and only have SD12 and SIL. My husband backed me up and agrees we shouldnt really see anyone until COVID is under control, maybe next year. YAY! What helped was buying him a book about emotional blackmail which he has been reading every time he's in the bathroom taking a poop. I'm so proud of him for enforcing this boundary. I hope he keeps it up now that he sees it works.

Pre skid weekend chores

SeeYouNever's picture

The whole in-law gang plus sd12 are going to be coming this weekend for my daughter's first birthday even though I didn't want to have any celebration this year due to covid. Great.

That means that starting about Wednesday my anxiety level begins to creep up. I asked my husband to limit the guests to just his sister and SD but we already know that none of them are going to respect the boundaries that we set. Yesterday at the grocery store my husband picked up a bunch of desserts at Costco and the quantity he picked up makes it clear that he expects everyone to come. 
