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Last talk I will have about mini wife. It’s too weird!!!

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UPDATE:    So he thought about it for a few days when he was out of town.  He said he sees that she needs to be more independent (but said nothing about what he needs or he's doing)  He said he will try to put distance, but I've heard this before.  Also, he had an attitude when we spoke about it and seems very begrudgen to do it.  He did not go into details or apologize for the pain he's put me through with it until I asked him to.

Is this weird behavior? Sending selfies to teenage kids?

slkastep's picture

So, my husband, in my opinion, has an overly close relationship with his daughter.  She's 18.  He's been sending her selfies.  Just him smiling, but I think it's so weird.  He doesn't send them to his son.  He doesn't  even send them to me (he used to when we dated, though).  And then she hearts them.  
I have an 18 year old daughter and I don't send her selfies of me, only pictures of us together after an event or something.

so is this weird??  To me it is like what people do when they're dating...send selfies back and forth.  

I think my husband is not over his divorce!

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I've been trying to figure out the disconnect.  The fixation on his past life, his kids fixation on their past life with their parents together.  But many times it's not even them's him and his kids alone.  I overheard him talking to an old friend tonight at a social event...and my husband is saying, "she just filed for divorce, bam, out of the blue, no warning"

I think my husband is not over his divorce!

slkastep's picture

I've been trying to figure out the disconnect.  The fixation on his past life, his kids fixation on their past life with their parents together.  But many times it's not even them's him and his kids alone.  I overheard him talking to an old friend tonight at a social event...and my husband is saying, "she just filed for divorce, bam, out of the blue, no warning"

My husband is angry that my daughter is dating someone of a different race.

slkastep's picture

They are both seniors and work together.  My husband is making it very difficult.  He hasn't said anything to her, but he's been acting like it's the end of the world to me.  Saying she's making a highe mistake and will ruin her life.  

Need a pep talk for upcoming 9 day family vacay!

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So, we have an amazing vacation coming up that I'm super excited about, but can't help but be nervous and apprehensive at the same time.  Blended with 3 teenagers who never really blended.  They don't argue much, but they're just kind of "blah" about being around each other.  It can get uncomfortable at times.  Then there's the miniwife issue with my 16 yr old stepdaughter.  We get along pretty good now, but her and my husband still act like a couple IMO, and she is demanding of his attention.  My husband does "try" to be aware of this, but it still seems to happen somehow.

Husband’s Ex wife is so rude to me for no reason

slkastep's picture

I posted this on the guy's page, but I wanted to get the ladies' opinions, too.  My husband's ex wife is really unkind to me.  We have been married for 4 years, and she's been rude since day 1, I met her 5 years ago and the day I met her she refused to shake my hand.  They had already been divorced 2 years when I met him.  They have 2 kids together, and they live with us half the time.  I also have a daughter.  They are all teenagers.  So, his ex basically pretends I don't exist.  If I say hello to her, she ignores me.  If I say goodbye, she ignores me.

Is it just a joke or an insult?

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I need an honest opinion from the outside.  So my husband is a funny guy.  Very quick witted.  That's one of the things I love about him.  But, sometimes he makes jokes that seem to be at my expense.  Then when I tell him he hurt my feelings, he says he would never purposely hurt my feelings and is just trying to be funny.  Tell me what you we are on the phone with his brother to wish him Happy Thanksgiving.  We are explaining to his brother that we are making homemade moonshine and limoncello for Christmas gifts tomorrow.

Am i just here to occupy time until his kids are home again?

slkastep's picture

Every weekend that we don't have the kids, my husband becomes a stick in the mud!  When they are home, which is half the time, he is excited and energetic.  He is happy and talks to them with interest and energy.  He is up for anything...runs his daughter around from practice, school, friends.  He stays up until 11 or later.  Then when the weekend comes that we don't have them...he's tired, exhausted, needs to lay down.  We go for dinner and drinks, we have an empty house (finally) annnnddd he is laying in the couch.  No energy.  No special husband and wife time.  He's spent.
