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A visit from a friend

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A friend came over to visit us last night and we began talking about his family. He has a 3 year old daughter and has been in a relationship with someone for 2 years. As of yet, he does not want to introduce his GF to his daughter because he does not want his daughter to hear the term "GF" just yet. I asked him if he thought that was a good idea and he said he did because his BM would flip if she knew the baby was around another woman (mind you, from what friend tells us, BM has a new bf all the time, and she exposes the 3 yr old to that).

Update on the *me* time

sm27's picture

Remember when I said I was planning on taking some well deserved *me* time? Well, I tried to do that last week, but when I came out of my clinicals in the hospital, I called SO just to let him know I was already out and he tells me that SS9 was driving him crazy, asking about me and where I was. I told him to put SS on the phone. SS gets on and asks me where I am, and I told him I had just come out of school. I asked him if everything was okay and he tells me, "Well, Daddy didn't want to play game with me" (meaning the PS3). I said "oh, really? Well, he didn't tell me that.

Why do some SO's change their whole persona around the BM?

sm27's picture

SO began working a temporary construction job (for 2 weeks). He began working last week, and had to work on the w/e, so he couldn't pick up SS9. He had to ask his father to pick up SS9. He called SM to let her know that his father would be the one picking up SS9 the following day (on Saturday morning).

What would it be like if I decided to have a baby with SO?

sm27's picture

I am starting to feel the beginnings of the ticking of my biological clock, but am a little afraid of having a baby. Not only because I can't afford it financially right now, but also because I still have 2 more years of nursing school to go. The biggest issue, though, is that I definitely do not want a part time father for my baby, nor do I want my baby to have the type of father figure my SS9 has with his father. I tend to watch how SO is with SS9 and truthfully, at times, it really disturbs me.

Last night's events

sm27's picture

So when SO came home from dropping off SS9, it was about 6:30 p.m. About a half hour later, a member of his family calls to let him know that one of his uncles had a stroke (he doesn't live in state). So then my SO started making all these phone calls I started to get a little angry. Selfish, I know, but it's how I felt. Not so much because of the family member, but b/c SO is not even close to his uncle, and he knows how I feel about ppl suddenly caring when something happens to someone they barely knew or had a relationship with. I didn't say anything though.

MY VDay is sucking right now.

sm27's picture

He's with SS9m at MIL's. I got up at 7a to go to my clinicals (in nursing school now, graduating in 2 yrs). Made the pancake mix before going to the clinicals (since BF will actually spend money if I don't make him the mix), got out at 12p instead of 3p, and where do you think he was? I know that we're strapped for cash right now, but why is it that whether I'm strapped for cash or not, I always manage to get him a little something, whether it's a holiday or not?

Why the confusion?

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Okay so I've only posted one other time, so you guys don't know that I've been bitching to BF about SS9 sleeping IN THE SAME BED as us. This has been going on since he was 2 years old, when BF got custody rights for EOW. I do not feel comfortable sleeping in the same bed with SS b/c he's not my kid, and I don't even know why BM even allows this. I know for a a fact how much of a bitch I am, and I know I would not tolerate anyone sleeping my kid that's not his father or myself, if I had one.

Thank you ST

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What I am grateful for in this site is that while ppl may bitch or whine about their situation (like me), the focus afterwards is always to help the person out of the situation instead of focusing on the negative parts or the things we can't change. I also came to realize that ST is not just a place to vent about being a sm or sd, but some ppl also share their real life experiences apart from that, which I love, because it is so diverse and comprehensive. I love ST and just wanted to thank everyone who makes it what it is.

Thank God

sm27's picture

This must have been a late Christmas gift for me because I am so glad I found this site. I have been with my bf for 9 yrs. He broke up with BM because she told him she was unsure whether he was the father of the baby or not while she was pregnant. Fast forward, now SS is 9 yrs old, so he only knows his father to be with me and his BM to be with her latest bf. To be honest, his BM is a great mother to him for the most part, but I don't know why my ss is coming out the way he is.
