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Smellissa's Blog

taking Sd12 to the hospital

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Last Monday, FIL passed away. It's been really hard on both SDs. SD12 has just been unable to handle it and has been having melt down after
melt down (yelling, throwing things, etc).

Today, she had a melt down while SD15's therapist was there. Therapist looked me in the eyes and told me I can't let this continue. She convinced me to call the police. Sad SD12 held it together until the police left. Then she had another melt down.

New Avatar?

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Biggrin I wanted to thank all of you for the replies on my post last night. I especially loved the image of everyone cuffed together and pulling off Hubby's fingers and toes! Biggrin SO, I tried to change my pic to pink cuffs. Not sure if it worked or not.

Anyways, thank you all for the support!

Hubby's "beautiful" (sad) gift to me

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Hubby claims that he has been offered a job three hours away. I don't know if I believe him or not, because he is the king of manipulation. Anyways, tonight he told me he has decided to take it.

As his gift to me, Hubby has decided that he doesn't want his kids. He plans to phase himself out of their lives. He said he will come back on the weekends for a week or two, then space himself out more, until he just stops coming, and it seems natural to the kids.

Week three

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Hey, guys. I'm feeling pretty broken down today, and just wanted to post. You know, I want a record of this, for "some day". Some day, what? I don't know?

Today is the beginning of week three, that Hubby has been gone. Or is it the first day of week four? I don't even know anymore, and I'm not sure that I care.

There is so much going on besides the whole ordeal with Hubby.

A question about fear

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I wonder, do any of the rest of you have a fear of being alone? Do you have a fear of being without family? Or a fear of being without your SO? How about just being afraid of handling the bills by yourself, or making the wrong decisions about the care and protection of your children?

I'm feeling pretty stressed out about the small things today, and feeling all these fears. I wish I could just put it all on the back burner, but I don't see how that's possible.

Hubby called the police and had them come out on a lie

Smellissa's picture

Yep! You read that ish right. HUBBY CALLED THE COPS ON ME!

Today in therapy, the girls told their case manager that they felt like they spent too much time with their dad lately. They were hurt over the things that he said last night. I took it to heart, so we made a game plan.

Hubby to SDs' "If I'm not home in a week, then..."

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"I won't be helping with any bills!" Okay, I get it, he shouldn't have to pay the bills here, if he is living somewhere else, EXCEPT that his children live here.

I've been being more than nice. He has been coming over for dinner every night, because I didn't want the girls to feel guilty that he was hungry. He has been showering and doing laundry here. I've given him money for gas, twice.

I know he doesn't have a lot of money. I get it, but yesterday, we got a shut off notice for the electric, for $526. That is more than half of my monthly income!!!

Day three

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Well, I made Hubby leave the day before yesterday. I am at home with the SDs and Hubby is sleeping with my mom.

Hubby has been here tonight and last night. He comes in, eats with me and the girls, and takes a shower before heading to my mom's.

My mom feels like I am treating him like a child, because I have set up rules. My rules are pretty simple, though.

Been an interesting day so far

Smellissa's picture

Gee, my morning started out bad. Hubby called me ten times between 2 am and 3 am last night. I called him when I woke up, and he said that he plans to get an apartment and then to take the girls. I panicked.

I've had time to think it out, since then. Then girls definitely both want to stay here. They want to go back to public school, though, so we are doing that. I told them to give me 30 days, and I will have them re enrolled.

Hubby says he is sleeping in his car. Okay. I tried to get him a place to stay. If he chooses to stay in his car, that is what he chooses.

Hubby's gone, but not the SDs

Smellissa's picture

I had to make Hubby leave today. He has just about stopped sleeping and has become abusive of myself and my girls (SDs).

There is so much to tell, but no words to say it. I love him. They love him.

My sister is keeping the girls tonight, so it is a little less of a shock for them. SD12 is scared that she will never see him again, because that is what has happened in her past. SD15 is posting all of this deep stuff on Facebook, but I can't pick her little brain to make sure she is okay. Eh, them being away tonight is a LOT harder on me than it is on them.
