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a few more details on the hairbrush story

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Okay, so SD15 was caught having naughty pictures of herself (and my hairbrush) in her phone. That was bad.

She was caught sending these pictures to about 8 different strangers over an app called KIK. That was worse.

She also sent (fully clothed) pictures of her 12 year old sister, and 2 year old cousin. This just keeps getting better!

At the point that I found pics of SD12 and Nephew2, I got pretty disgusted and put the phone down. Later, it started to bug me WHY she would of sent those pictures, so I went back and read some more of the conversations.

Sd15 and the hairbrush

Smellissa's picture

Do the rest of you regularly (or semi-regularly) go through your steppies cell phone? I do it with SDs, whenever I feel like it. Boy did I find some pretty pictures today! :jawdrop: :sick: :sick: :sick:

Today's pictures featured Sd15 (in some VERY unflattering poses) and my hairbrush! YEP! MY STINKING HAIRBRUSH! Ick, ick, ick!!!!

Satan and Mother's Day/ Satan pretending to be other people to text me

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Satan (BM) has a roommate (M). M has a boyfriend (R) and a daughter (D). The four of them live together in one house. This information will be important, later!

First of all, the day after Mother's Day, BM messaged me on Facebook. This was the conversation...

I hope all had a wonderful Mother's Day! !!!!!

We did! Thank you
How are you? SD14 is wondering if you had started rehab

I'm ok! YES I did

very cool.. I'm proud of you

Why I will just FUCK it up like I do everything else

Based on your expierience as a step parent....

Smellissa's picture

Is there any special advice you would/will give your own/step children about growing up, marriage, relationships, child rearing or life in general?

I've been thinking about this a lot, lately. For me, I am busy trying to teach SDs and my nieces/nephews not to get into a serious relationship with anyone they don't think will be a great parent, with out without them involved.

I was totally spoiled for Mother's Day

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In my family, we believe in gift giving, but we SUCK at waiting. Usually the giver is the one who can't wait. Birthdays are the 12 days of _________, and Christmas lasts for 24 days. Easter, we did okay - the kids got their gifts Christmas morning!

In my household, there is Hubby, me, SD12, SD14 and Neighborgirl19. NG19 is a victim of fetal alcohol syndrome, and she tests out at 8. She gets very jealous when SDs are acknowledged as my kids, if she is not.

BM did it again

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Saturday night, OS (SD's Oldest Sister) called me to warn me that BM was on another rampage. Fortunately, after BM didn't get any sympathy from me over her last "I'm going to kill myself" fit, she didn't include me on her rampage. Her usual plan of attack is to text either me or OS, and then spending a few hours amusing herself by sending us BOTH ridiculous texts!

I really wish Satan would die!!!

Smellissa's picture

Sd12 came to me today, crying, and said "Mom, will you ever leave me?" That took me so by surprise, you can't imagine.

I was as honest with her as I could be, and I said "Well, we all have to die sometime. So, I imagine when I am old and grey, and I have had lots of time to play with the grandchildren you give me, I will have to leave you."

Her crying got harder and she said "But my real mom left me! And Nana gave me away."

Bonus Kid

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My SDs have an older sister. She's 22, a mom of 3 months, and a pretty good kid.

Well, I guess after I pissed BM off Thursday, she decided to take it out on someone who usually doesn't fight back. Must not of worked out so well for her this time.

Her oldest daughter sent me a message on Facebook tonight. "I was told to call you Mom from now on. I already consider you my mom anyway."

I sent her a message back that I'd be proud to be her mom, and told her all the reasons I'm proud of her.
