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SoTired1's Blog

Jealousy Is A Killer!!!

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Wow!!! I had to share this message with you that I received today from BM. I'm actually tripping about her displayed rage, hatred, & obvious jealousy . . . wow!!! She is so far gone & she'll never change. SMH. Oh so that you know what happened, I found out that SS11 was on FB & I sent [him] the following message & several weeks later (today/Saturday), I received this message from BM.SMDH

BM's drama never cease to amaze me!

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[My apologies for this very long post] SS11 bday was Nov 26th. DH sent a gift card by ToysRus (so ss11 can purchase his desired video game). Gift card purchased at ToysRus to ensure BM does not us the funds for herself. At any rate, as of Dec 17th (yesterday) DH's numerous voice messages left for his son had gone unanswered. As a result, he called BM to see what's going on. BM is such a conniving liar & she's always trying to create a wedge btwn me (the wife) & my DH . . .

BM Outting SS11 On FaceBook About Personal Issues She Should Have Clearly Notified His Father (My DH)!!!!

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I copied the following message from my SS11's BM FB Wall (she posted this on Oct 18th):

BM: Just walked into my son's room to turn off the TV (I thought he fell asleep with it on for the 100th time) and was traumatized by what I saw!!!! SMDH Oh No!!!! Its way too soon ... : -0

My response: Totally natural part of maturation. This is something that [only] his father can help him with. Wink

I guess I have to learn to take the good with the ugly. . .

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It's been approximately 3.5 weeks now that BM has changed her cell phone number & SS11's cell phone number [preventing DH from being able to contact his son]. We live about 700 miles away from BM & SS11, so it makes it even harder on DH when he's unable to talk to his son. Okay, BM is the epitome of 'Baby-Mam-Drama' & I'm strongly convinced that she's a functioning bipolar candidate. It's been 4-years since our move to our new hometown [and BM & her drama was one of the main reasons for the move, of my trying to gain peace in my life].

Looking forward to the holiday season!

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Wow!!! Praises to the good Lord up above that for a change all is going well in my life. I'm filled with joy beyond joy! ^_^

I had previously failed a very important exam (that unfortunately, I later found out I was missing 3 important chapters needed as a prep for the exam). Fortunately, during my last study prep for my retake, I discovered the missing info & brought it to the attention of my school & passed my exam with flying colors! Yay!!!!

I am so. . . tired of fighting for my position in my marriage.

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I've been married for 4-years, however for 4-years I have not had a husband. Since the day we married, the tug-of-war started (to say the least). My husband's daughter hates my guts and this hate only surfaced on the day I married her dad. He allows her to disrespect me in many ways but sees no wrong in her actions. He's been trying to appeal to me for 4-years to let his daughter come visit with us (despite how badly she has behaved) and my response is always with rage; then, I remind him that she must apologize. . . no apology, no visit.