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step off already's Blog

Child support agency has set a court date

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And I'm really hoping bm gets nailed for arrears.

During the divorce dh and bm both represented themselves. Bm lied about where she lived, what her income was and the facts about dh and her relationship - including the fact that she left 1 year into their marriage.

Fast forward to now, about one year after final orders were written by the judge and no support was ordered. Dh contacted the child support agency requesting bm assist. He also notified the. Of her EOWe visits, the restraining order he has against her and her history of lieing in court.

SS went from MUST GO TO PRIVATE HIGH SChool at $1500 per month to How about the Army?

step off already's picture

And frankly, I'm all for it.

I went out of my way to get him applications for private schools, tried directing him on how to speak with his mom to get her to fill out financial aid forms and applications and dealt with him BUGGING DH daily about what was going on at the most prestigious school in our area regarding applications.

Fun Calls with BM, "It's your fault this is happening"

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SS still wants to continue to ask his mother to PLEASE fill out the financial aid forms for him to get some assistance with private school. Last night before his scheduled call, he asked me to write down what he needed to tell his mom to do: go to the website, download the application and return it to the school.

He asked and she said no, but that DH could talk with her about it.

And the HS saga continues

step off already's picture

This will be short and sweet. Maybe

Frankly because I've been drinking.

I pulled up apps for ss13 for both private and charter schools in our area. We asked him to start to fill out the applications. It's been a week and even with constant "reminding" and even coaching with him at the kitchen table, he has yet to complet the app for the charter school.

But it gets better.

More on the private school debate and bm still is a sucky loser

step off already's picture

I get home today and dh is quick to inform me that SS13 has informed him that there is financial aid available for the private high school that he wishes to attend. (back story: SS is a c student, at best and is attending the private k-8 school that my bios have attended since pre K). Dh again tells SS that SS will need to ask bus mother for tuition assistance before we will even discuss it.

Why do I even try with BM?

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Since my exH and I have such a great relationship and try to co- parent our kids together, I sometimes fOrget that this will NEVER be the case with bm.

Dd12 has had an iPod fOr three years and exH and I recently had to discuss porn with her and why she shouldn't be watching it after I found she had been watching it fOr a few days. We consulted with each other and discussed how to best approach it.

Why do I want to barf?

step off already's picture

Oh, I know. Because I saw a pic of ss13 and bm on the iPod I gave him for Christmas. I also saw her shady way to FaceTime with him.

Yes, I said the iPod "I" gave him because it was my idea, I purchased it and paid for it.

I knew it might ultimately be used by SS to communicate with his crappy excuse for a mom and I told myself ( in a very grown up voice) that I was fine with that.

But I'm not.

Ot: what a surprise, dh's dad needs something so all of a sudden...

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He calls dh and dh is ready to drop what he's doing to go help daddy out.

Mind you, daddy could pay someone $50 to do it.
Mind you, daddy made NO time for dh or SS or his new grand daughter during the holidays even though dh put several offers on the table.
Mind you, dh has his OWN chores he's trying to accomplish this week.

Dh said, "the only place I may need to go today is to dad's rental to do xyz".
