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stepoff's Blog

Thank you all for the support

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I really appreciate all of the responses that I read yesterday regarding SD21's letter to DH. It's nice to know that I have a place I can go to for help and support during a dark time in my marriage. I felt much better after reading the different points of view, and they ALL made sense. I still don't know which direction I will take, but it's good to know that I have options open to me and my kids, and that I'm not alone.

((((HUGS)))) to everyone!

Poll ... would you believe what your skids believe?

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Sorry to be a blog hog, but I'm having a hard time today.

In SD's letter, she mentions several times that she KNOWS DH doesn't love me and is staying for the kids.

As I'm sure the skids of many of the bloggers on this site have their opinions of our marriages/relationships, the question comes to mind: would you believe what the skids say about your relationship? Would you believe your DH/SO if they denied a lack of love? With the question out there hanging in the air, is there any way to live without any doubt of DH's love?

Fast forward a few years ... this WILL be my SD

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From today's paper...

Dear Amy: Growing up, my mom was never an integral part of my life.

Dad was more nurturing.

When I was 13, they divorced, and my siblings and I spent a lot of time at dad's house.

The thought of being with mom and her "boyfriend" turned my stomach. I rarely spoke to my mother.

Flash forward 12 years: Mom is married to her "boyfriend." Dad is married to a widow, and I am married and have two children younger than 4.

Thanks TheWife!!!

stepoff's picture

Hugs and kisses to you for the 'fb stalking' blog.

I peeked at BM's FB wall and just found a posting from Sunday night. She's looking for work in her home state, which is 2 states away. She wants to move back home. HOORAY! I've been waiting for this for YEARS! This is the best day ever!

ST site

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What is going on with this site anymore? The site is what it is. People can come here to blog about ... whatever they want. When one of the posters got ugly and mean to some of the members, the 'regulars' went to the admin with the problem and requested changes be made. Ignoring the poster wasn't an option for some reason. Now that the changes have been made, it's nothing but complaints about how the site has changed and doesn't feel the same. Well, that's what happens. Change is change, regardless of whether it's liked or not.

Emotionally stunted?

stepoff's picture

I had a thought last week.

DH and BM were divorced when SD21 was 13. She is immature for her age, as some of her boyfriends have noticed and told her. I've noticed it as well. I was thinking that maybe it's possible that she stopped maturing when her parents divorced. Maybe the news that her parents were splitting up shocked her in such a fashion that she just shut down in some way. She honestly acts like she's still 13.

Has anyone else noticed this type of behavior in children of divorce? If so, is there any way to reverse this?

Hooray for Amy!

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It's about time someone speak up about ungrateful ADULTS!

This was posted in the newspaper advice column today:

Dear Amy: I have several grandchildren, ages 18 to 28. I've always sent them birthday cards and presents for their birthdays.

I recently had a birthday and received neither cards nor telephone calls from any of them.

Am I too sensitive in thinking that they could well have bothered to take note of my birthday in some way? I'm debating whether to just send them birthday cards from now on and skip the presents.

— Hurt

SD is so predictable, it's scary

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DH put SD21 back on our health insurance policy against my strong disapproval last week. Thank you Uncle Sam for making that change! Gag!

Anyway, I didn't want her back on the policy because she stiffed us with some of her medical bills last year. I was relieved to have her off the policy as she was no longer attending school. Now we're right back in the same situation again.

SD has immense difficulty in getting along with people, and either quits or gets fired from her various jobs within months of starting, sometimes weeks.
