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Struggling1981's Blog

Covid rant

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Well it's been a while and to be fair due to the lockdown (uk) minimal contact with SS17 has made for a pretty drama free time ......until now.

I am currently 16 weeks pregnant, my partner has had the vaccine and my 3 kids arent eligible as under 18. SS17 comes over on a Saturday afternoon once a week for tea BM is blocked on every available method of contact due to her constant drunken antics.


Struggling1981's picture

Basically after 2 years and whole catalogue of rubbish he says he can't live like this and is leaving me tomorrow! 

This dude works 5 nights a week and has ss the other 2 so we get zero time together. Tonight I was annoyed because my kids are in bed and he's chosen to sit chatting with SS while I come to bed alone again on his night off.

Bedroom logistics

Struggling1981's picture

So I have 3 bios 13(f) 12 (m) and 9(m) 9yo has autism and is at special school so needs lots of extra support in lots of ways . Ss(17 almost) has mild asd. Now , we have a 4 bed house so at the moment dd has a room ds x2 share my room and SS has own room for one night per week. Bedtime is becoming an issue in the week when SS isn't here as ds12 has homework etc and ds 9 is in a routine of 8pm in bed the older ones now I'm saying 9pm homework then relax without tech then bed .


Struggling1981's picture

My SS 16 is due tomorrow for the usual routine of staying over and BM has been drinking all week so he hasn't had a shower since he was last here and has eaten utter rubbish, attitude has been appalling on the phone already stating his case that he won't get a shower and he won't be going to bed etc I don't expect him in bed early but 2am with the tv blasting out is ridiculous.OH won't challenge him on anything because he pulls the I don't want to come card if he is asked to do basic stuff grrrrr