Synaesthete's Blog
The attempts to screw us over continue.
I don't know who's familiar with the vehicle situation around here. Long story short, bm was given the van in the divorce (and dh kept his car). They didn't transfer the title from his name to hers before the divorce was final (which would have been easy) and after it was final, the bank wouldn't transfer the title to her name unless she was approved for her own line of credit. Half because she doesn't work and half because she's lazy, to this day she has never been approved and so the van is *still* in dh's name.
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I'm back - not sure if anyone I remember still posts here...
Hi. I'm a sm to 5. My dh is the man of my dreams. bm is, well, what you'd expect.
I hope you'll all welcome me back.
I left some of my old blogs up for back story purposes, since some of those issues still stand today but deleted some for personal reasons. I look forward to getting to know everyone (again).
*sigh* I guess it's back to court we go. BM's a piece of work.
FDH learned the hard way that being a good person and trying to do favours only works if the other person is straight-up, too. BM, I'm sure you could guess, is not.
Some of you might remember my blog about the van and how BM can't get a loan because she doesn't have a job, and it was leaving a liability for FDH to keep paying for it for her (and taking it out of her support) until she got a co-signer.
OT: Amber and Gary from Teen Mom - This is terrifying to me.
It's abusive, period.
I've been watching this show online over the weekend. Before that, I caught bits and pieces on TV here and there but never followed it, so I started from the beginning and am just into season two now.
For anyone else who watches this, is it just me or are Amber and Gary heartbreaking? Or, more appropriate, my heart breaks for Leah in the middle of so much hate and anger.
I need some advice from someone who is knowledgeable in legal issues/divorce settlement issues...
I asked about this awhile back but it's still unresolved and quite frankly, FDH and I are sick of having her phone up, play the victim and expect him to rescue her.
O/T Hell's Kitchen, anyone?
I haven't watched for a few seasons but the premiere tonight was enjoyable (as far as reality TV goes, anyway).
He was a little douchey for mocking Chef Ramsay but I like Boris best from the men's team so far. What's up with this Raj guy? He's got to be an actor.
From the ladies side, I'm kind of favouring the girl with the tattooed eyebrows. Not really loving Boobs McGee, though. Sabrina's kind of an uppity bitch, too - what was with those gang signs when she was telling off that other girl when they were choosing nominees for elimination?
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BM is mad at us for this? What?
I would feel bad but I'm seeing more and more how much of her troubles she brings on herself.
Today we drove the FSkids back to her house. For anyone who doesn't know, it's about a 4 hour drive giving us an 8 hour round trip. Usually, FH will make the drive one way and BM will do the other, but this weekend we picked them up on Friday, too. She said last week she had plans today and so she couldn't pick them up.
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What do you do to de-stress (step-related or otherwise)?
Besides come to ST?
I tend to flip flop between:
- doing something with FH. Watching movies is one of our favourite de-stress activities, but we also go for walks, go out and do something random (bowling has happened, for example it was a blast, TBH) or heck, even doing errands like groceries with FH is fun.
Another post got me wondering, what are everyone's thoughts on...
BMs changing or not changing their names back after their divorce from your SO? Or for the gentlemen, your ex changing or not changing her name back after splitting from you? On the other side, what about if you're the one who kept or changed her name after a divorce?
I think the jealousy is setting in.
So, until about a month or so ago, BM was generally kind and polite to me. We weren't buddies or anything, but we got along and we'd post back and forth on FB (about nothing important, just general niceties on status updates or, from my end, on pictures of the kids - generic stuff like a -like- or an "Aww") a couple times a week or so. Occasionally when she'd call FH regarding the kids, she'd ask how I was or something.
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