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O/T **How do you modify a divorce decree???

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I have been searching online and can't really get a straight answer so I was hoping maybe somebody here would know a little something about this.

My BF has 50/50 custody. In the divorce decree it states that there is to be no child support to be paid by either party. The crazy ex got fiered from a good job for stealing and now has finally got one where she is making half the amount.

Does anybody know what the process would be for her if she wanted to modify the court ordered decree in order to get child support? How long would that take? Does she need a lawyer?

I'm being stalked at work

Unhappy's picture

This may be a little off the subject but I'm being stalked at work and have been for about a year and a half. I just need to vent about it and maybe get a little advise.

It started in the summer of last year. I was out on our smokers patio talking with a coworker about needing to get my breaks changed. He over heard me and offered to do it for free as long as I paid for the breaks. I didn't see anything wrong with this. I had talked to him numerous times and being a single mother it would save me some money.

I want to have a baby

Unhappy's picture

So here's the story. My BF and I are planning on getting married. We have talked quite a bit about having a child together. He has two son(4) and a daughter(6). I have one BD(6). I have always wanted to have a boy. I know that it's impossible to to pick and choose, but this is also an experience that I want to share with him. My BD's father was POS and had me to the point where I never wanted another child becuase I did it all by myself. My mind has changed since I met my BF. He wants to get married first and then start trying.

I think BM might have cried

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Okay, so I know this is a dumb thing to be happy about. But I just can't help myself.

So New Years weekend BF's BD(6) asked us if we were going to get married. BF asked her why she wanted to know and she says that her mom aka Double E
wanted her to ask. So my BF just looks at me wanting to know what he should tell her. I know it's none of Double E's business but I just couldn't help myself. So I told BF that if she wants to know then tell BD yes we are getting married.

Confessions Of A Stepchild

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I just thought you all might want to her something that might just shock you. I was a stepchild at one point in time in my life. For almost ten years. I have read your stories of the way that you have been treated by your SS's and SD's and I can honestly say that when I was in the same situation as they are now I out did them all with the crap that I would pull.
