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Wicked2Three's Blog

Just for kicks!

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I am sitting here paying bills and it hit me...All the silly things we do just to irritate the BM's.

I sign the CS checks, med. reimbursement checks and I make sure to address the envelope too just so she can see my name and my handwriting. Goofy huh?

I also put the phone in my name so that when the stepturds call her from here my name pops up on her phone. Wink

Kind of excited - and ? at the end.

Wicked2Three's picture

I am going with DH to a counseling appointment today. I went to this guy last year and he was very helpful. I only went 3 times. My husband had gone to him with BM before and he really liked him. I insisted that DH go to him when Lazy Turd, the 17 yo. "estranged one", left our house late in the evening without notice and while watching 3 young children. She has not been back since. She left the night after my Mom passed away and I think she is embarrassed to face me. As well she should be. DH has seen her 2 or 3 times since. I'm not in a place of forgiveness at this moment.

Oh, to be oblivious!

Wicked2Three's picture

I have 2 hours left to turn in my project, I am glued to my computer. My sister in law shows up unannounced, but yippie, she came to play with the kids. DH just walked in the door with Turd Blossom and tells me his Mom has Follicular lymphoma, cancer. DH is in the back yard with his sister. They need to be with each other. I understand, my Mom just passed away a few months ago and I will give him my undivided attention very soon.

Peeve: Turd Blossom is currently in the shower (2:29PM) singing her ass off like all was right in the world.

Oh, to be oblivious!

Thank you!

Wicked2Three's picture

I was just changing the photo on my account page and noticed that it is my StepTalk anniversary!

Wow! One whole year. I found this board in desperation and wanting to fix things. I have come a long way in accepting things the way they are. I still get frustrated, but I am glad I have a place to vent with people who understand.

Thank you everyone. I hope you all have a great weekend.

5 minutes in and I'm gritting my teeth!

Wicked2Three's picture

OK, tomorrow is the last day of this semester for me. I am glued to my computer trying to get my projects done on time. That's why I have been on ST so much! LOL! Totally avoiding my homework. Wink OK, so I'm knee deep in my homework here and my little guys have been SO good for me. I have promised them anything they want if they let me ignore them for 2 days. They seemed to buy it!

just 'um yeah bye - Huh?

Wicked2Three's picture

OK, I am really doing well at disengaging this time. SWEAR! However, I just need to vent. Thanks for letting me vent to you all because I'm trying to act cool with DH. You know...fake it 'til you make it kind of a thing. I'm trying not to complain about the little things, but when you are this far gone everything about SK's can drive you up a wall. Especially that gawd awful breathing air thing they do. OYE!

Here's my irritation for the moment. DH is out and a SK just called. Thank God for caller ID, right? I just listened to the message and this is what they said.

Do I or don't I? What to do. What to do.

Wicked2Three's picture

I have been posting A LOT lately. I'm just so perplexed. I have one SK left that is of age or will bother to come to our house. She is 12. I have done this wild experiment. I started to notice that every time I would enter a room she would leave. Any room. Even her own room. It doesn't matter. This has been going on for a long while now, over a year. When her sister was still gracing us with her presence she did it too. I wondered if I was imagining things so, I asked DH to watch. "I'm going to go into the room where SD12 is. In about 30 seconds she will be in here with you.

I'm seeing a pattern

Wicked2Three's picture

Who many have EX's or BM's that are Nurses or in Law Enforcement?

Our BM is now an RN.

Side note:
BM had a BA when she and DH divorced. The judge said because she was a SAHM and SHE felt her degree was worthless that she could go back to school and didn't have to work. She did for 5 LONG years! Thank GOD that's over!
