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Wicked2Three's Blog

Documentation. Do you do it?

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I was wondering how many of you document things about your SK's and BM? I have some specific questions, if you don't mind.

1) Do you document

2) Do you do it or does DH/SO

3)What types of things do you document

4) Have you actually used this documentation for any purpose? Either in Court or given BM/BD the list to prove a point in a personal negotiation.

What has been the result? Was it worth it?

Stepmonster - the book

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Someone was asking about summer reading and the book Stepmonster came up. I was intrigued so I bought it. I am currently about 100 pages in and it is FANTASTIC!

Is anyone else reading Stepmonster?

#2) I saw the book - "Stepliving for Teens" on the Book Reviews section of this site but there aren't any reviews. Has anyone read it?

Would you like your SK's if.....

Wicked2Three's picture

I have been thinking about this for a while and the answer for me is always the same.

Would you like your SK's if they were not your SK's? Say they were your best friends kids or your neighbors kids. Would you like them then?

I wonder this because I have really searched for some redeeming quailties in my SK's and I just can't find a one! I have asked if they were just someone else's would I like them? Sadly, no.

Then I wonder. If they are just not my kind of kids, why do I try so hard to make this a happy house when they are in it?

Taking back, sanity, sympathy

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I'm taking back my space, my sanity and my sympathy!

The estranged SD16 met with DH this week after leaving our house without notice and while watching 3 small children, almost 5 months ago. If you didn't read my post a while back, please let me remind you that she was watching 3 small children at 10PM while DH and I went to my Mom's house because she had passed away unexpectedly the day prior! I used to feel sorry for this kid having a PAS mom and all. Not anymore!

PAS and the adult child

Wicked2Three's picture


SS came back to town yesterday on college break. I suggested that he have breakfast with his Dad. They thought it was a great idea and they would talk today about the time. He called tonight and said that he can't make it for breakfast as they had planned because his mommy made an appointment for him to get his haircut at the same time!

#1) Why is BM still making appointments for him?

#2) Everyone knows that one of the tactics of an alienating parent is to schedule things for the children of the other parents time. This "kid" is 19! Come on!

Communication with the BM?

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DH only communicates with BM in email. She tries to get him into verbal conversations and he says "send me an email". It's harder for her to manipulate in email and then we also have a record of requests...too many, too often, unreasonable behavior, so on.

We know that as parents we are supposed to put up a united front for children. We have been trying to put up a united front for BM. She is still able to pretend that I do not exist. Amazing!

Letting go - Is it too late to fix anything?

Wicked2Three's picture


I am so torn. I feel like it's too late, but I can't let it go. There has to be some way to turn this all around.

I’ll give some simple facts. Let me preface by saying that I do not like telling this story in simple form because it makes me look bad. LOL! But I am just going to lay it on the line because this is important to my family and me. Thank you in advance to anyone who reads my plea for help.
