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Willow2010's Blog

Joining accounts.

Willow2010's picture

DH and I do not have joint accounts. I can not stand the amount of money thrown as SS, he knows that and he knows that why I won’t do joint right now. I also would not like it if he tried to tell me how to spend my money either. I have ALWAYS been VERY independent.

We pay most everything 50/50, except groceries, since SS eats and wastes more than me and two other people, but I digress…SS is 18 and going in the military in about 4 months (HAPPY DANCE!!!!) My daughter will be getting married this year. That will only leave my son (17) at home, going to college and working.

I stole this from Blender.

Willow2010's picture

Blum 3 I stole the quote from Blender.

It’s not verbatim, but close.

How many of your DH’s are like this….

“My DH is a great man, husband, and step father. But he stinks as a bio parent.”

Why is this?! This sums up my DH in two sentences. And it seems like a lot of out DH’s are like this.

Do you think they would still be bad parents if they had stayed with BM?

Talk me down.

Willow2010's picture

UGH!! Had a mammogram done Monday. They just called and said I have several micro calcifications and they are suspicious so they want to do an ultra sound.

Anyone know anything about this? I looked on the internet and it just scared the crapola out of me.

Stand up!

Willow2010's picture

I just want to reach through the computer and shake some of you! LOL! Stand up for yourself and your stuff!!! I wonder if some of us are co dependent or just VERY afraid of being alone…?

I’m sorry, I may be PMSing, but some of your post are getting to me today. And please believe me…I do not have the perfect step situation. I did, however, wait 10 years before I would marry or live with my DH because of the step crap. I KNEW we would divorce if I had to be around SS much back then. And even then we talked about MOST house rules before hand.

Stupid Note.

Willow2010's picture

This is the note DH woke up to this morning from SS…Exactly as it reads…

You owe me $60.00 for gas from last week. I also need lunch money and will be filling up gas again today so you owe me for that to.

I had to LOL at this. For years, DH always talked about how awful it was for parents to buy kids cars and then pay for gas. How would NEVER spoil his kid like that! Bwahhahaha.


Willow2010's picture


I found out that SS (17) is smoking pot. I can’t say anything because SS will lie his way out of it and it will look like I am just picking on SS. I also can’t say anything because the info came from my daughter (she found out by accident) and she does not want to be in the middle of SS/DH’s crap.

Stupid job!!!

Willow2010's picture

Ugh!! I am so sick of my job!!! Bunch of rude condensing assholes!!!

It took me a long time to work up to management. And I like it. I make a good boss. But most of the other managers, (MEN) are all out of their flipping minds!! Just act like they know everything and how dare a woman step in. BLECK!!!

If the pay was not great I would tell a few to F off and walk right out the door. I usually take these stupid idiots a lot better, but I am not in the mood today at all!!!

How to ignore!

Willow2010's picture

UGH! How am I going to handle the next 6 months??!! I was never supposed to be a SM, much less a CSM!! Yea, I know, I knew there was a chance bla,bla,bla. Lol. BUT if you would have known us 1 and ½ years ago, you would have NEVER thought I would be thrust into being a CSM. Trust me on this.


Willow2010's picture

My kids will come to me after SS has done something else that is stupid, and can’t believe that nothing happens to him. (Discipline) They always joke that SS would not have made it to 17 if he would have been my kid. Lol.

Brings me to this morning. My son is at school and I run by house at 10:00AM. SS is still there. Following conversation takes place….
