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Willow2010's picture

Does anyone have any pointers on meditation? I have disengaged pretty well and it helps a lot. BUT there are times that I really want to explode! And sometimes over very, very small stuff that I KNOW should not bother me. I think we all get to that point sometimes.


Willow2010's picture

Conversations with SS….

Me…Do you work tonight?
SS…No I don’t…well, Im not sure, my boss has not made the schedule yet…yea, I do have to work tonight.

AARRRGGGGG!!! I want to shake him and tell him to not talk unless he is sure of what is coming out of his damn mouth. It is so frustrating to get this kind of crap EVERYTIME you try and talk to him. Another example…

Me…What did you have for lunch SS?
SS…A hamburger, I mean two hamburgers and a shake and 3 orders of fries. Oh no, that was yesterday, today I had a pizza.

How do you do it?

Willow2010's picture

OMG. I am the BEST disengager (yes that is a word today!)around. Or so I thought. Well now the white trash BM and clan have stepped over the line and bashed my son on FB. FOR NO REASON. I know…why let it bother me, but it was terrible and he is MY son. He does not know these people. I want to rip someone’s freaking heart out!! Starting with DH, then SS, then his nasty mother, then the rest of the nasty clan.


Willow2010's picture

I have a special request! If you change avatars, please let us know!!! Or at least little ol me. Lol. I know most of you by you avatars and then you change and it messes up my whole stalk experience.

I used to like this one poster but she had the worst avatar ever. Lol. It was a set of lips that were full of fever blisters. I can’t remember her name so I am not sure if she is still here and just changed her avatar.

Do you know most by the avatar or the name?

How many days a month do you get skids?

Willow2010's picture

If your DH only gets 4 days a month visitation, how much parenting do you expect him to do? I am on the fence on this one.

I tried to look at it from DH’s point, and I do get it. I guess you have to pick and choose your battles. If the kid tells you to F off, then they do need a punishment. If the kid will not eat his spinach, then I don’t see the big deal.

Only 2 more days. :o(

Willow2010's picture

Only two more days of freedom left!!! Grrrrr. It has been a BEAUTIFUL, non stressful 5 days with SS gone. I so hate for them to end. And he has been with his mom so it is going to be even worse when he comes back. He will come back with the “poor pitiful” SS syndrome. (Worse than he already has it) He will talk a lot about his supposed ADHD, he will want to start going to DR’s for every little thing in the world, and he will want to quit his job. I bet he asked to go to the DR, within 2-3 days of being back from BM’s.

I wonder...?

Willow2010's picture

Did any of you talk about rules and expectations before getting married to your spouse and moving in with other kids?

For those of you who are thinking about getting married or living with someone that has kids, please talk about certain things first.

Things that were discussed before DH and I married and lived together…

Oh silly BM

Willow2010's picture

When BM sent SS to live with us, she agreed to send back the money that was garnished from DH’s check for CS. And to include her own CS on top of that. All fine and good right? Well it is like pulling freaking teeth to get it from her in a timely manner. There is always some reason it is not here when it is supposed to be, or why it is short bla,bla,bla.
