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What would it be like if I decided to have a baby with SO?

sm27's picture

I am starting to feel the beginnings of the ticking of my biological clock, but am a little afraid of having a baby. Not only because I can't afford it financially right now, but also because I still have 2 more years of nursing school to go. The biggest issue, though, is that I definitely do not want a part time father for my baby, nor do I want my baby to have the type of father figure my SS9 has with his father. I tend to watch how SO is with SS9 and truthfully, at times, it really disturbs me.

For example, I have learned through this site that SS exhibits a lot of attention seeking behavior that my be normal in sfamilies, but SO hardly ever responds to him. If SS tries to get attention from him (which he usually does by regressing to baby talk), SO ignores him. I have also noticed that SO has never really been affectionate with his son, while he is completely opposite with me. So I know he is capable of being a loving person, but why isn't he that way with his own son? I am usually the one to spend time with SS9, have conversations with him, and come up with ideas to take him out (this weekend I'm hoping we'll get to see a kabuki show). Any affection SS9 gets when he comes over is usually from me (even though it drives me up the wall sometimes). Anyway, I spoke to SO about this various times and he says that since he had not been involved in his son's life for the first couple of years, he has always felt that he missed out on some of the most important things of his son's life. Okay, while understand that, why can't SO call him on weekdays, just to see how he's doing? He tells me that SS9 doesn't call him, so he doesn't feel obligated to call SS9. I think SO has disengaged to a certain extent b/c SS9 has a stepfather that has been involved in his life since the time he was born, and he often refers to him as "my dad", thus hurting SO. However, SS has only done this a couple of times, since he has already been told by us that his SF is not his real dad; yes, he may love him like a dad and SF loves him like a son, but his BD is SO. When SS9 has said made reference to his SF after that, I only think it was to see SO get hurt and jealous, but I really think that the ultimate goal was for him to see SO loves him, not because he really understands what he's doing (at least I hope not, he's only 9).

This affects me because I wonder if SO will be like that if we have a baby together. He says it would be different because he'll get to live with the baby, and because he loves me (although he was involved with BM for 1 year, they didn't have a "serious" relationship, we've been together for 10 yrs). I would like to know your opinions on this, maybe even also from SM's who had their own BK's with their DH or SO's.


Kb3Hooah's picture

First I think you should finish school...secondly, your SO will be the same type of Father to your child together that he is with his that he has now.

You also have the added concerns of will SO favor SS over yours together and will inlaws favor SS over yours together?

Do you guys intend to get married?

I think the important thing here to do is sit down and discuss what your expectations of each other are if and when you have a baby.

“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”

sm27's picture

See, I know that I definitely want to finish school and all that, but I feel like, what will it be then? I thought I would be starting a family at 25, but it just seems like the time is never right. I do love my SS9, but I want to know what my own baby will come out like, and for some reason, it's been on my mind a lot lately about wanting to become a mother.

SO and I have spoken about having another baby, and as I said, when he says it's going to be different, I want to believe him, but I am also fearful. I would like to get married, but after I finish up with school, not right now.

I don't really worry too much about my IL's, they love all kids, but you're also right that I am concerned that favoritism is going to be played out by my SO, which I am not okay with because I want my SS to love being a big brother (I love being a big sister to both of my little brothers, one is going to be 8 on Monday, the other is 13). I read other people's blog and I get scared of a lot of things: scared that I am going to become a monster to my SS if I have my own BK, scared that SS won't love his baby bro or sis, scared that SO will play favorites and cause resentment on SS's part or worse, that he'll be the same father). We get SS9 EOW, SO never lived with BM, so he says these are all contributing factors to how he feels. To a certain extent I try to understand, because I have another 8 yr old brother from my dad's side, but I don't love him as much as my mom's 8 yr old, but those are my BROTHERS, not my kids. So I start thinking: nothing is guaranteed in life. What if SO and I decide to go our separate ways, will he be the same kind of father he is to SS9 to mine, or will it be different? I think I overanalyze things and try to have too much control over situations that there are no answers for....

Kb3Hooah's picture

See, I know that I definitely want to finish school and all that, but I feel like, what will it be then? I thought I would be starting a family at 25, but it just seems like the time is never right. I do love my SS9, but I want to know what my own baby will come out like, and for some reason, it's been on my mind a lot lately about wanting to become a mother.

--------> Coming from someone who had children early and didn't finish my college education because of it, please, please, please wait. I know you think you can handle it all now, but being a Mother alone is overwhelming. Take one step at a time, no rush, and you will be glad you waited.

SO and I have spoken about having another baby, and as I said, when he says it's going to be different, I want to believe him, but I am also fearful. I would like to get married, but after I finish up with school, not right now.

--------> So why can't he show you now that he can be different, why does he have to wait for another child to arrive? While youre finishing school, this can be the time that the both of you can work out your expectations of each other in regards to parenting. Trust me, all of this needs to be worked out before hand, you'll both be so much better off as a couple, and as parents if you do.

“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”

sm27's picture

Thank you!!! I just sometimes feel so rushed, I feel like 30 is only a hop, skip and a jump away, and I at least wanted to have 2 or 3 kids (I come from a big family),but I feel like the time is never right. The way you put it, though, makes absolute sense. I don't think I've ever went back on my intuition or instinct, and it's definitely present right behind the maternal pangs, telling me something isn't right, just wait it out. I'm just one of those ppl who has to have a plan, and I have absolutely no idea where these "wanting my own baby" pangs are coming from....but I will wait, I just wanted to know about others' experience regarding bringing the first biokid into a blended family and how it went, not that it would mean that's how it would go for me.....

Kb3Hooah's picture

Trust your instincts 100%, even if you second guess it. You can still have a plan for the present and near future, and once you've accomplished the immediate goals first, THEN work on your plan after that.

Your plan right now can be to finish school, get your career started, and you and your SO work on expectations for parenting.

Focus on this plan at a time sm27 Wink Don't overwhelm yourselve

“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”

sm27's picture

Thank you, I will definitely reconsider. I've read a couple of stories today that just sort of turned me off for now. I will listen to my instincts, because when I don't, it usually gets me into trouble; having a baby is not something i can reverse...thanks, again summerflowers and middlemom...

unbelieveable's picture

yea..take everyone's advice. I am 25 and still in school and even if I felt that "tickle" it's super selfish to bring a child into the world that you cannot financially support. And will you be able to rely on SO? I know that I would have to pick another father for my child - my FH pays so much child support I would need to be able to financially support the kid on my own - I'd be holding my breath thinking FH could actually help- who cares about the parents who are together right? Just the children to the "single" mom get all of the child support...

whoa sorry - lot's of built up anger tonight but! I DO feel better! hahah!