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Opinons needed

harleygirl's picture

So it's probably the same ol story for many of us, but I wanted opinons... BM is VERY overbearing and co dependent with ss5. Examples; sleep in same bed since birth, refused to go out of town for work stating would rather lose job than lose one day with ss6... just two small examples... my question is what point when these BM go so crazy over the top with babying and hendering a childs natural growth by making them regress is it considered harmful to the child??? ss literally talks baby talk after being with her, spits his food up on table saying it gags him, CHEWS like a baby learning to eat! and basically feels like he is not capable of performing basic "independent" skills a almost 6 year old should be able to do without assitance- feeding ones self is high on the list?

I just feel like once he's been with us for 48 hours he snaps out and is acts like a independent confident little boy but always starts off like a toddler after being with BM and MIL.
Any thoughts or personal experiences with this?


harleygirl's picture


harleygirl's picture

We do.. Being a mom myself I guess I worry about the long term affects it'll have on him. Plus poor DH is always put in the place to be the actual "parent" and makes ss act even worse because he pouts when we don't baby him. I'm talking all out crying lip out baby talk tantrum.

12yrstepmonster's picture

Long term effects

You will spend your weekends setting expectations.
When the hit preteen teen years they will hate you.

We tried to establish rules
It backfired, they came in did what they wanted. Total lack of respect to their dad.

Sd21 goes weeks without talking to her dad. Ss15 refuses to come to our house. He sees his dad at dh parents.

Bm shared a room with sd on and off until sd was 17.