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B* and the free meal

halo1998's picture

Beaver loves to eat.  Eat out I mean...she hasn't met a restaurant she doesn't like.  This was so bad during DH's marriage that they spent more on eating out than their mortgage.  I  know because I saw the bank account details in their divorce papers.  When they couldn't afford to go out, her parents took them out to eat.  This was just one of 100 reasons that DH despised her parents.

Divorce occurs....DH's money is no long Beaver's money.  Beaver does not have alot money anymore to eat out....she might *gasp* have to cook.  The HORRROOOOORRRR..remember people Beaver is NOT a housewife..she does not cook or clean.  (Still true I've seen pictures from SD of the insider of her condo.  Think an episode of Hoarders...its that bad) does one eat out when your money train has decided to take another track...get a job....HAHAHAHAHAH..yea no.

You get your Ex to take you out under the guise of seeing the kids.  DH was pretty good at setting boundries but like most divorced Dad's wanted to see his kids.  Beaver exploited this with the....we should have a meal together once a week so we can see the kids.  Face Palm...DH fell for this one.   Still shaking my head..

Once a week he headed out to meet Beaver for a meal.  At first it was for breakfast on Sunday.  Beaver pitched it as they could show the kids they were friends and that one week DH would pay and the next she wouldd pay. can see where this is going.

This continues for a few months..gradually going from breakfast to lunch to dinner in fancy restaurants.  Funny Beaver never pays.  Dh is getting suspicious at this point.  The final straw...Beaver wants to go to the expensive new hibachi restaurant DH really can't eat at because of food allergies.  (He is allergic to all Poultry and Fish..not shell fish..FISH)   He agrees..and low and behold only Beaver shows up.  The kids were tired so she figured she would just go.  DH not wanting to make a scene...goes for this. Doesn't eat...remember he can't due allergies.  Beaver lives it up...lobster, shrimp, chicken, drinks..dessert.  Bill arrives...DH just sits there.  Beaver...asks are you going to get the bill??  DH no why would I, I didn't eat and the kids are not here.  This isn't a ate you pay. more "family" meals.  I'm not your restaurant hook anymore.  With that he left...

That ended the family meals...Beaver still eats out almost every meal..but now the restaurants are usually McD's or KFC...


halo1998's picture

she is about 5 foot 1 and I'm guessing is about 230-240 she is almost as wide as she is tall.  So yes..yes she is.

Livingoutloud's picture

I never heard anything like that in my life. He kept going out to eat with ex for months. That's quite insane. Hope it was before he met you. Glad he finally stopped this nonsense 

halo1998's picture

was dupped on this one.  He was doing this when we first started dating.  I expressed my opinion that it was for her and not for the kids. But..ah sweet summer child my DH held out hope it was for the kids...alas Beaver showed her hand and proved me right. 

Livingoutloud's picture

Yeah "for the kids" would be him going out with the kids. Not with her. And a restaurant he can't even eat at. Glad that's over 

advice.only2's picture

"It's for the kids" is one of the many lines taken out of the GUBM handbook that really means "it's for me so I can extract more money from you and exploit you even more so you know I own and control you for the rest of your life."

SKIDSarekillingme2's picture

Why do men fall for this crap?  I can't imagine wanting to eat out badly enough to go with my ex husband, lol!  It is just weird when women still need that hook in the ex.  Maybe beaver is just so food driven she could deal, but it seems more likely she will always be trying to worm her way into your lives. Look out for the beaver!

SKIDSarekillingme2's picture

I call my toxic troll EST (experiment in self tanning) but I need a better name...Beaver is awesome!

strugglingSM's picture

I just laughed out loud at "I can't imagine wanting to eat out badly enough to go with my ex husband..."

I totally agree...why do so many women want to hold on to a man that they wanted to discard? 

BM cries about the fact that DH is not her "friend", but a) they are divorced; b) they were not friends when married; c) she continues to treat him like crap; d) typically, men don't chat with their friends daily on the phone or share their feelings with one another. It's a weird delusion that these women live in and it baffles my mind. In my youth, I tried to "stay friends" with exes (not married exes, just dating) and that always fizzled out after you moved on from the break-up and realized that you really didn't have much in common with the person anymore. In my case, BM demanded a divorce, if she wanted to keep the same relationship with DH, she should have worked on her she just cries and blames me for the "deterioration" of her relationship with DH. 

strugglingSM's picture

How many of us have DH's that initially fall for crazy lies from BMs to get what they want? In my case, BM was always demanding extra money. She would give DH a written list of items she had supposedly purchased, calculate out DH's "portion" and then threaten to report him to child support enforcement if he didn't pay up for her "imaginary" expenses. She even told him he "had to" pay for a window that SSs supposedly broke in her house...not the house she and DH owned together, the house she was renting with her new SO. DH paid it and then later found out that BM's SS broke the window, not his kids. 

When I came along, I asked DH why he was paying her if she wasn't providing receipts, so he innocently asked for receipts. BM hit the roof and then sent him pictures of checks, including one written out to the wrong name, so I know it was never cashed. 

In my case, BM needs money to go to the casino. She spent so much at the casino that the one home DH and BM owned was foreclosed upon. Her most recent demand was that DH pay her $1100 because he had the nerve to be hospitalized on his visitation weekend and she claimed that she had a trip planned and couldn't get her money refunded...the whole "trip" was a bunch of bunk, because she did not mention it when he first contacted her from the emergency room saying he was being admitted to the hospital. He did not pay...he didn't even offer to pay. 

CLove's picture

Beaver takes the cake on Toxic Troll!

DH used to drop groceries off to the Troll's apartment when it was her "turn" for visitation. Saying that she had no money for food. Then she would eat the groceries and the kids would complain that they were hungry.

NOw, Toxic Troll does fast food almost every day. Shes 5'3" and 220 lbs.

We eat healthy home cooked meals and Munchkin is always complimenting us on our food. 

What a free-loading mess beaver is.