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Speaking of CS

ICanMakeIt's picture

I'm I the only weirdo that has played around with a spreadsheet and done calculations "If CS doesn't increase/change, we pay this much per month x however many months/years" come to the lump sum and then make mini goal/celebrations around them. For example  "we are under $30k, after the June payment". Ha ha Ha.

Anything to help chip away the time left obligated and attached to HCBM. 



1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

I did that plenty of times. Even drafted an agressive financial plan in 2014 with several excel spreadsheets to help my husband overcome the debt

In our case, we are at $1000 child support for 4 children + medical support. Recently learned that two of the children have been uninsured for most of their lives....god knows where the medical support went 

SS15 has had several infections in his feet and lost a nail....we asked where was his medical card and no one wanted to provide it....

BM2 told my husband last summer that she was in dire need of medical insurance and asked if I would be willing to put the children on my insurance in exchange of dropping the support. Thats when I told my husband i was ok with it but what has she been doing with the money paid to her montly for medical support? Crickets....Eventually she scheduled a hearing to drop the support and then never showed up lol....Havent spoken since but the children continue to be uninsured and she is struggling with health issues due to acute alcoholism that she is hiding

Im not anti child support but i find it a bit strange that the money has interest on it due to the state and also not quite understanding why the BMs complained constantly that it was not enough but one of them petitioned to have sole custody and won and the other has had primary custody and told the kids that their dad would kidnap them and take them away forever which was quite scary for them all their childhood

Wouldnt it be a better financial support if the children spent equal time at both homes? This type of split would seem better in the long run than receiving some $500/month and crying about it not being much...both BMs think that the more custody they have,the more money my husband pays....

In the end when its all said and done, $215k will be spent on child support and medical and my husband will still be called a deadbeat lol. He remained on CS even when one of the kids lived with us for 2.5years....too bad BM1 has to approve for it to be dropped

I do prefer it that way....Do not want the children to be here more time than they are court ordered 

Rags's picture

Though in my/our case, it was to document the opposit.  

We built spreadsheets to show how little the SpermClan paid in CS and how much they refused to reimburse us for in SKid medical expenses not covered by medical insurance.  They were supposed to provide his medical coverage and never did. We always covered SS for Med insurance either through my benefits or his mom's benefits.

SS is now 30.  We send the SpermClan a bill every 6mos with accrued penalties and interest for their unpaid share of Skid medical expenses for the 16+ years of the CO.

They cry that we are harrassing them, whine that we should just let it go.  Nope, we will keep rubbing their noses in the stench of their nasty gene pool characterstics... while highlighting that our son is the only one in that entire family who has made something of himself.  Due in no part to anything they have influenced... beyond providing an example of what not to do in life.

 Regardless of which side of the CP/NCP fence one may be on, the end of the CO and no longer having to deal with a toxic opposition is a truly life changing day.  Not that toxic dipshits ever stop being toxic dipshits. But at least once the Skids age out from under the CO, the other side can be written off entirely.

For us, having our son's back (my former SS-30 who asked me to adopt him 8yrs ago) when they craw out from under their slime covered rock at the bottom of their shallow and polluted gene pool to give him crap is all that we have to deal with regarding them.

Our son is doing great in life. Unlike his three younger also out of wedlock Spermidiot spawned  half sibs by two other baby mamas. One is on the dole, another is in prison, and the youngest is not far behind the inmate.

Enjoy the day when you cross that last day off of the SParent calendar and you and SO can start your new life of not supporting the toxic opposition financially.

1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

They are completely delusional and do not realise how much they got away with lol

The state will send them reminders as well so its not harrassment smh 

I wonder how do ppl enforce medical coverage. In the CO, BM2 is in charge of enrolling them in a medical insurance/chip and my husband pays for it....but after 14years, we just learned that none of the children have ever been covered and she has been paying their stuff cash/for low/uninsured ppl but she receives $180.00/month for medical support on top of regular child support ($500)....So I have to wonder why the children get sick/have infections and she just doesnt go to the dr....One of the kids has braces and I am not sure how she affords that but he hasnt been to the ortho in months...Of course, my husband is too afraid to rock the boat and the children are afraid of telling the truth and causing issues for their mother



Exjuliemccoy's picture

This is another example of why universal health care is needed in the US. Very sad.

Rags's picture

On the one hand, If I were not covered by medical benefits via my employer, my maintenance meds just to stay alive would be in excess of $4K/mo. 

On the other,  I have worked my entire adult life to be qualified for employement by quality employers who provide solid medical benefits.

On some level, individuals must be accountable for their own medical care.  

Universal care is of course an honorable thing, however, many countries that have it have parallel medical care conduits used by those who want quality and immediate appointments.

Take a look at the medical businesses on the US side of the Canadian boarder.  

The UK has private insurance and private hospitals, etc... for those of means to get immediate high quality care rather than waiting for countless months for specialist appointments.

There are two sides to the discussion.

I for one, make damned sure I have medical insurance either via an employer, or via the insurance market place that I pay the premiums for.

I like being alive. My personal accountability free market perspectives lean toward the model that the individual should be responsible for their medical care.  The coverage or I die part of me... I am fine with Universal care. Though I would make sure to have supplemental at will care coverage if that is the direction our country goes in.



advice.only2's picture

When DH and Meth Mouth divorced the Disso Master hadn’t yet been introduced here in CA.  So his CS was a mutually agreed upon number they came up with.  It wasn’t much honestly but he was also carrying Spawn on his medical insurance and paying half her extracurricular.  Fast forward to Meth Mouth divorcing her second ex and petitioning a CS review for DH.  Everything was run through the Disso Master and Meth Mouth was getting about 4k a month (that was CS for two kids from different baby daddies and alimony from second ex).  At that time in this town that was enough for a mortgage payment on a nice house, monthly payments on a new car, and she could still afford to live without needing a part time job.  When DH got custody he was remanded by the commissioner not to seek CS from Meth Mouth.  DH got curious and decided to run some numbers through the Disso Master with him having sole custody and Meth Mouth only having her EOW, guess what, based on the numbers DH could have had to pay her about 200 dollars a month.   I know for a fact Meth Mouth got pregnant again after she left her second ex and was probably gleefully adding in how much she was going to get for that one when she had a miscarriage.  

Rags's picture

The parent capable of supporting the child should have full physical and legal custody. The one incapable of supporting the child.... should bet visitation though they should have to pay for all kid support, travel, etc... associated with that visitation. Just my opinion of course.

Forcing a self supporting parent capable of providing for their child to support an X.. is a travesty IMHO.

And yes, I am married to the CP who received CS, though for the most part a pittance, for 16+ years.

Fortunately for our son, my DW had full physical and legal custody from birth.

CLove's picture

I enjoy doing the "countodwn" amounts as well as the different aggregate amounts, just for shock factor.

For example...

$347 monthly equals:

1 year = $4,164

2 years - $8,328

3 years = 12,492

4 years = $16,656

5 years = $20,820

6 years = $24,820

Plus 4 months = $1,388

Total that will have been paid to Toxic Troll by the end of Cs (May 2024, 12 months) = $26,372

missgingersnap2021's picture

My total is close to yours only with an added 0! DH basically let it slip years ago that the total he will end up paying BM for alimony and CS was approxiamely a 1/4 of a million dollars -  $250,000!!!!!! 

That wasnt counting $5,000 a year for SD's private school and God knows what else!

CLove's picture

Oh when you add in Spousal thats another 14,000 plus...

missgingersnap2021's picture

I did the countdown until DH was done paying for SD's private school ($5k ayear), child support AND alimony! 

All 3 were to have stopped when SD turned 18 last September. As I was inhte single numbers countdown (about 7or 8 months ot go) DH comes home and says that he screwed up and that alimony was going to be another 14 months AFTER SD turned 18!! How the hell he screwed that up is beyond me! All I know is that FINALLY I am back to single digits (8 months to go)

CastleJJ's picture

You are not the only one. CS is really the only legal tie we have left to BM, since she so clearly refuses to co-parent with DH. We know that CS rarely ever went to SS11 in the past. BM even admitted it several times to DH, telling him directly that she used it to pay her student loans or to escalate her lifestyle. BM's parents also subsidized her cost of living by $3k a month for several years. Now, BM makes significantly more than DH (almost double) so we don't really care what she does with it, given that her contribution to SS is more. 

DH and I have done the math. For the last 11 years, we have paid roughly $84,000 to BM so far and if our CS order remains the same until SS ages out in 7 years, we will pay roughly another $52k in CS. In total, we will pay about $140k all said and done to BM. $140k and DH will still be labeled a deadbeat. This does not include the roughly $30k in legal fees we spent just to try to see SS more than 6 weeks per year... BUT BM swears up and down that she doesn't fight DH having increased visitation for the CS... Yeah right. 

Rags's picture


Make a solid ppt presentaton with that data graphed and charted. Then... when the Skids have all aged out from under the CO and you and DH are no longer subsidizing is X, have a bbq and project that presentation on a large screen to do a GIVE THE SKIDS THE FACTS!!! Session.

I would.

CastleJJ's picture

$140k FOR ONE CHILD. DH and I have already said, when the last payment is made, and we finalize our CS order being terminated with the courts, we are going on a lavish vacation. DH is blocking BM on absolutely everything and we are ridding her from our lives permanently. We will be sipping margaritas on a beach somewhere. 

DH and I have all the income withholding documents all categorized and highlighted for SS11 if he ever comes asking. Actually, we have thousands and thousands of pages of court documentation, emails, text messages, photos, etc. in a locked filing cabinet if SS ever comes asking. It's all color coded, highlighted, and sorted. Basically covers every bit of documentation against BM from birth to current. 

Rags's picture

The SpermClan paid ~$51228.00 in CS... from  birth to age 18.  That comes to an average of ~$2848/yr or ~$237.33/mo. .  Though for 1yr it was only $110/mo and for 9 years it was $133/mo.

The total certainly sounds notable though it is less than ~22% of the cost to raise a child from birth to age 18 according to the USDA. $233,610.00 not adjusted for inflation.

They got a deal.  And... my Skid was saved from their shit gene pool.

Adjusted for inflation..... the USDA estimate to raise a kid from birth to 18yo $288,094.00. The SpermClan got an even better deal when adjusted for inflation, and my Skid still won.

So, a win all the way around. They got off cheap, and SS avoided the dole and prison unlike his Spermidiot spawned half sibs.

His mom and I got to raise an incredible kid who is a man we are extremely proud of.

thinkthrice's picture

Early days but it made me want to vomit so quickly put it out of my head.   Chef has been paying faithfully for two solid decades although he is still cast by the Gir -n- clan as a "deadbeat."  Think it comes to a third of a million for the three ferals.   And Chef is strictly blue collar (and MASSIVELY proud of it!)

Hmmm come to think of it, we also never received medical cards for the ferals when they were switched to the Gir's health insurance.   She fought giving us the info tooth and nail... we never got it when they were coming every weekend to visitation.  And of course, extra CS was being paid for it... she had a free/next to nothing cadillac health plan as a county CPS worker too.  She might have been using the opt out /buy back plan while collecting CS $ for medical.

ICanMakeIt's picture

All the money for CS was taxed for DH and tax free for HCBM! What a sweet deal! 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

One good thing for me about raising my kids without CS is that i can truly be happy for them growing up. I know women who panic when their kids get close to 18 because they can't make their bills without CS. For those paying it, the future is brighter than today. You will be better off when the kids age out because you have learned to live on less income and will get a raise. These BMs might have to downgrade from a Lexus to a (gasp) Hyundai! Might have to carry less expensive purses and do their own nails. The future is bleak for them lol. It's always harder to go from more income to less, and you are taking the loss early. It isn't fair, but comparitively the CS BMs will suffer a "loss" when they should be happy for their kids to launch. 

1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

BM1 used to live in big homes and worked as she pleased and constantly complained that child support was not enough. Now that both kids have aged out, she abruptly broke her lease and moved to a small 1 bedroom shared with a roommate. Rather than increase her workload (she is a beautician/hairstylist) or simply work for someoke at a salon, she would rather work here and there when she pleases and share a room with another 40 something year old woman....

Its astonishing how she went from shopping sprees every day to roommates and counting every penny. Im not sure but I am guessing that $500 + medical was probably nicer than she lets on

I am shocked that ppl with skills are unable to make a living in their 40s....Now both steps work (SD23 does OnlyFans and SS21 works for his dad) and send her money to "take care" of my husband is still contributing to her lifestyle by keeping his son employed *sigh*

thinkthrice's picture

And I disagree that it takes "$255K" or whatever the number is to raise a kid to age 18.. Not if you're frugal.  I went school clothes shopping at yard sales.

1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

I heard that raising one child today in this generation costs the price of a lamborghini. This is why a lot of ppl are refusing to have children.

However, the thing with CS that many ppl do not understand is that it is to cover a portion of the childrens expenses, not all. The other parent is responsible for the rest of the expenses. So if you have primary custody with majority of the possession, your share of childrens expenses will likely be higher than the share of the noncustodial parent. 25% of NCP income would suggest that the custodial parent is on the hook for another 25%. In BM1s case, she was overspending on stupid stuff like name brand designer clothes for children and expensive game systems and entertainment every day (they had to go out EVERY DAY to do some amusement type of stuff)

BM2 on the other hand spends nothing on the children. The children are provided for by her parents just like she is. They gave them a home and buy them clothes and pays for their summer camps etc. So we dont know what she does with child support. At one pt she was able to have her own apt with a roommate but she couldnt make it financially with child support only and quickly moved into one of GBMs home. BM2 doesnt even pay her own cellphone bill. Of course they make excuses for her like "she cant work because of the kids" and "she does not get any help to watch the children except her mother!"....Strangely when my husband offered to have the possession and access split 50/50 so she can focus on getting a job and building skills, she accused him of trying to take the kids away from her and told the children that he was going to kidnap them and take them away from their home/family forever....Now at home with acute live disease due to chronic alcoholism and we are supposed to feel sorry for her health declining and she is such a strong mother!

IMO they complain about situation and money that could have been easier if they didnt block the father of their children from being a responsible parent with more access and possession. 

I will say I am glad they refuse because i couldnt stand having them around!! 3 weekends/month and alternating holidays are enough for me!!

Exjuliemccoy's picture

My DH's youngest, YSD14, moved in with us TWO MONTHS after CS had ended for his older two. We had two. whole. months. to savor that extra money before getting full custody of a kid whose mother never paid a dime of CS for any of her kids. That's step life for you. The only good thing about BM2 being a deadbeat was it kept her from returning to our state and thus away from YSD.

 YSD had experienced alienation, but at fourteen was older than her years and well aware her mom was mentally ill. She had lots of questions about what had actually gone on during the custody battle, why hadn't her dad fought harder or her, etc. So I made a judgement call and let her see all the court documents.

Some might feel it was inappropriate to expose a young teen to that, and in most cases I'd agree. But this girl had spent most of her formative years with her crazy BM; she'd seized an opportunity to get away, and needed things that were solid and true to help her build a new life with us. Even though she ultimately went to the dark side, I don't regret putting her in possession of the facts.

Rags's picture

the facts was set by the SpermClan.  He would come home from a SpermLand visitatiion upset with his mom that "she took him away from them", "she was stealing money and food from his younger half sibs by making them pay CS", etc...

They would lie and manipulate, we would sit SS down to review the facts, records, etc....  In an age appropriate manner.

It started with just discussions, and progressed to full review of the CO, supplemental jurisdictional rules, State regulations, SpermClan arrest records, divorce records, court recordings, listening sessions of ranting abusive answering maching recordings, telephone screaming rant recordings, call logs, review of my DW's Journals on Custody/Visitation/Support, etc...

By the time SS was moving into his teens, we would not infrequently find him in our study looking through the files and taking notes.  We would ask what he was looking for and he would start to vent his frustrations asking why they lie so much and who do they try to make him hate his mom and I, etc....

Kids need the facts. To protect themselves from a toxic end of their genepool growing up, and through adulthood. The toxicity spouted by a toxic blended family opposition does not just stop when a kid ages out from under a CO.  These people in all liklihood will continue their toxic targeting of Skids even after the Skid reaches adulthood.

Our son is thriving in his adult life. Unlike his three younger Spermidiot spawned half sibs by two other baby mamas who were raised by the shallow and polluted end of the gene pool.  #2 is on the dole, #3 is in prison, and #4 is not far behind the inmate.

While I am sad that my son has this crap in his life at all, I am happy that his mom and I were able to raise him to overcome that tragic genetic refuse.


TheAccidentalSM's picture

I did a back of the envelope calc and it was a house plus car plus well over $1m in CS.  *sigh*

However, its over and we are fine now so I guess its all ok.  My one regret is that the CS for MSS went to BM and not MSS when he was in college.  He graduated with student debt instead of being debt free.