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if i hate you why am i writing a paper over you being my role model.

jstorie's picture

So we got to family counsling saturday and sd14 was crying she wanted to see us. We walk into the counslers office and she was bouncing her leg, fidgety. and on ATTACK mode right of the get go. the counsler asked what she wanted to talk about sd14 replied i don't know. counsler says okay school it is. sd14 gets mad says no not that. counsler says you wouldn't pick i did. fight from the get go about a cell phone and telling us a name of the girl whos phone shes using. Then said "MOMS JUST GOING TO COME ALL THE WAY UP HERE AND GET THIS GIRL IN TROUBLE AND GO TO SCHOOL AND IM NOT GOING TO LET HER DO THAT. SHES MY FREIND." i just replied im not gonna drive for four hours becuase your using someones cell phone. i don't care about it you are here in this facility its not my problem. i only care about you being honest with me and you father.. so the argument continued. about how she didn't want to say the name. finally she said the first name and said thats all im going to say. my DH stood up and said to the counsler and said we are leaving i didn't drive 4 hours to sit in here and listen to her be in bitch mode for an hour. sd14 started balling and we obvioulsy didn't leave. at this point she said "i use like four girls cell phones llike you want them to like fine"

i looked at her and asked her why she hated me. she was so mean to me for 30 mins that the counsler yelled at her and told her shut up. sd14 then played the victim and said see you know thats my trigger and you just did it. counsler said yes i did and i meant it you are being mean and cold hearted for no reason.just becuase you have a trigger that doesn't mean we all step on our tip toes so u don't get angry. your angry without it anyways. sd14 was just like i told you nobody cares about me not even you, you broke my trust and breeched my confidentiality with my parents by telling them whats going on. then she yelled at me and said "IF I HATE YOU SO MUCH WHY AM I WRITING A PAPER THAT YOU ARE MY ROLE MODEL!" threw herself on the ground and cried. then the last ten mins of counsling was tolerable. she said she is just mad at her bio mom for leaving and that if she pushes me out of her life she can laugh in her own face and say see nobody loves you. she pleaded with me to not leave and just be there for her.

Now that that you know what happend.. i obviously didn't say i was disengaging that counsling session im not sure if i should. Whats your opiniion. the attack was completely on me the entire time. except the last ten mins. She is still not doing anything she is supposed to up there nine weeks is over and she is failing the four core classes. was she playing me? she did say the only coping skills she will use are backmouthing,yelling,roll her eys. maybe she really is bipolar i don't know.


Anon2009's picture

"the counsler yelled at her and told her shut up."

I find that hard to believe...telling SD to be quiet would be one thing, but I can't see any professional yelling at any client to shut up.

Jsmom's picture

Did they test for the Bi-polar, because it sounds like my SD18 who is Bi-Polar. If she gets medicated and continues therapy, there is hope. But, it takes a long time for them to get properly medicated and most never do. My SD is not properly medicated and no longer in our lives.

Get her checked out and keep trying. At least ours is BM's problem, since she wanted her.

onebanana's picture

Um, what kind of a counselor is that? She'll do more damage than help.
You should find a better one.

jstorie's picture

she lives in a theraputic home so the counslers are around her almost 24/7. and sd was being very mouthy and using verbal language. so she told her shut up and stop being disrespectful. well she has been hospitalized 4 or 5 times the first time they dx her with bipolar adhd but the last two times they said she was not. so im not sure. as for finding a new counsler this was a last resort putting her in this home they were the only ones who would take her....