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Aniki-Moderator's Blog

OT - Forn Friday

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'Forn' is 'food' and 'p0rn' combined.

Let's talk about grilled cheese (sorry if you're lactose intolerant or a vegan!). Last night, I watched the movie 'Chef' with Jon Favreau and Sofía Vergara. Jon's character is, of course, the Chef. He makes a grilled cheese sandwich that he shares with his son. OMG. The outside was golden, the cheese was gooey and stringy when they cut/bit the sandwich, and the bread was almost crunchy. You could hear their teeth CRRRUUUUNNNNNNNCCCCHHHH when they bit into it. ~drool~


OT - Thankful Thursday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

The sun is out and it's a balmy 10 degrees this morning. The forecast has us rising about freezing today which means some of my beautiful snow will melt. *sad*   While I'm sad to see Winter come to a close, I know every season has a purpose and it's time for Spring and the rejuvenation of flora and fauna. 4+ months 'til the thimbleberries are ripe. Sigh...

I am thankful for:


No to the 'Ho

Aniki-Moderator's picture

SS18 is graduating (Army) next month. He will be assigned a duty station after graduation. Naturally, DH wants to go down there AND wants me with him. Here's where the insanity part starts....

BioHo and Mr. Pinhead are also going (of course). 'Ho actually suggested to DH that we all share a house together. What.The.FrickNFrack. I told DH I will walk naked and bleeding in a blizzard in the midst of starving wolves and then go for a leisurely swim in Lake Superior before I seriously considering renting a damn VIDEO with that ‘ho. Luckily for him, he agrees with me.

OT - Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Does anyone do anything for St. Pat's? Growing up, Mom always made corned beef and cabbage. Just the thought immediately brings back happy memories of the family around the dinner table enjoying the food and the comraderie... along with some warm Finnish flatbread!!

In my mid 20s-early 30s, a bunch of us would make the drive to the big city to bar hop, party, and dance, and drink a green beer (yuck!). Irish Car Bombs were a BIG fave!

For the last 15+ years, I avoid the party scene and let the amateurs enjoy all of the festivity and food coloring.

OT - Eff Off/Food Friday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Yes, I'm combining Eff Off Friday with Food.

Eff Off to:

  • Meetings that are supposed to be 15 minutes, but last over an hour because people keep YAMMERING
  • IRS scam phone calls (and all other scam/spam calls!)
  • Middle-aged acne (and some beard hairs are ingrown)
  • Beard hairs!! (and other "new" hair in previously hairless places)




OT - Thirsty Thursday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Spring is just 'round the corner (Tuesday!). While SOME people still have plenty of snow days left, it's time to put the cocoa and marshmallows away. Warmer weather makes me THIRSTY. Spring brings new life: trees budding, grass greening, birds warbling their Spring mating calls... Planting season awaits!

I don't know about you, but I'm damn near a camel when I do yard work! I typically drink water, but there is nothing like finishing up for the day, wiping the sweat from my face (for the umpteenth time), and taking a long pull from a cold brew. Mmmmmmm....


OT - Tone-up Tuesday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Happy Tuesday, STalkers!!

I'm going to change it up a little bit and talk about healthy FOOD. Specifically, food substitutes. We all know there are tons of foods out there that are BAD for us. Foods we feel guilty about eating - especially after "I can't believe I ate the whote thing". Foods that are our guilty pleasure (put that Girl Scout Thin Mint DOWN!!!).


Keep your food, BioHo

Aniki-Moderator's picture

This was a skid weekend. DH had to work OT so he did not pick up PigPen afterwardss - too late (early!!). So BioHo brought Piggy over Saturday morning. With food. It was NOT snacks for PP. Not only did 'Ho send food for ME to cook - she sent leftovers. Yep, leftovers of SH!T that she cooked.

PigPen walked in with a paper grocery bag. DH said, "Whatcha got, buddy"? PigPen, beet red, said, "Mom sent some food", put the bag on the kitchen table, and went into the bathroom (probably to hide for a few minutes.

DH opened the bag and pulled out:
