bewitched's Blog
Valentines Day. Never really cared much for it myself
Guess I'm just not the romantic kind. Oh well.
It's a good thing I don't care much for it-H mentioned this weekend that he had picked out what he wanted to give SD17, SD14 and me for Valentines Day. Huge 8 ft. stuffed animals.
I'm so glad they were too expensive! I DO NOT want to receive the same thing for Valentines as SD17. I am a grown woman, for crying out loud-what would I want a huge stuffed animal for in the first place?
But why would he think to give me the same thing as his kids?
I am the BEAST MASTER! :)
I love this...I am so going to miss my son...he's leaving the end of the week. But all is well. I wouldn't have him be in a position to have to depend on his mother; that wouldn't be much of a life.
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Wow! The house across the street burned up this morning...
Thank goodness my son is still here; but he's being so hard on himself.
About 5:30 this morning, my son, who was sleeping in the basement, smelled smoke. Then he said he could see the shadows of flames dancing on the walls...he thought our house was on fire!
The improvement in H's behaviour-has to be related to my classwork
H went to visit his mom Sunday...I stayed home to study and take yet another exam. Many of his family were there, and he told them I'm taking A & P to go to Respiratory Therapy school. They all thought that was a great plan. And one of his sister in laws said she tried to take it, but it was too hard so she quit.
So far (fingers crossed) I've maintained an A, and am a week ahead of schedule. I can almost see the wheels turning in H's head-
The weekend report :)
Ok. So SD17 thought she had the upper hand once again. And she did-for the moment.
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Oh, another weekend with H....the joy, the joy
Hope you all noticed the sarcasm there.
Friday, H wanted to supposedly take his d's out of town shopping-then suddenly acted like he decided not to take SD14 because of her grades. I immediately then said I would love to go! Because....I knew he and SD17 planned this all along...him to take her shopping, and tho he's telling me how we have to cut out any spending, he was going to blow a wad on her.
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Just feeling like throwing in the towel
Bad morning. Guess I'm wearing my heart on my sleeves, but I'm just tired of nobody wanting to give anything back.
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Teenage stepdaughters-insolence, egos, and attitudes ruining lives, relationships
I'm just fed up with the drama of these overindulged egomaniac teenage SD's we have. Reading blogs from Sia, Sita, Elizabeth, BH, and more all have one common thread-teenage stepbrats of the female variety.
I have no idea what is going to happen now....H is talking possible/probable lay-offs
With the economy, watching this and that business go under, now they are talking about work stoppage for H's employer. Possibly as soon as March. And I, of course, now studying like a mad woman to get thru A & P so I could go to RT in the fall. And H is saying "You might have to just finish the A & P and find a job instead of going to school". Ummm, I was looking for a job right up to the time I started this course. Nothing out there. In fact, a major employer in our little town just shut down for 3 weeks, and has not reopened as of yet-and that was 4 weeks ago.
Hey y'all-I'm alive and well (maybe a little insane)
I miss you guys-but I've been so tied up with A & P I've not had a spare moment...I mean, I am studying like 5 hours every day! I need all your good vibes-this stuff is tough. If I'd studied like this when I was in school, I would've aced everything!
Anyway, 1st module went really well. Got an A on my exam!. Hold the cheers tho-module 2 is on chemistry which I did not take in H.S.-for a reason. Really tough for me.
Plus, my son is now on temporary lay-off so he's here-and then his gf showed up...and H was here for four days, Thurs. thru Monday.